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Jungkook softly lifted his head, eyes landing on his son who was cuddled up in his lap while biting his fingers. "Is this hell? Because it is so dark."
"No, oh no no it's not hell", Jungkook breathed out quickly, heart clenching a little when he saw his baby's eyes sparkling in confusion. "But we haven't gone outside to see the sun in two days!", the kid let out, clapping his hands onto his mouth as if he was gasping in shock.

"I'm so sorry", Jungkook hummed quietly, nuzzling his head into the kid's hair.
"No it's okay. Adventure-time, I always wanted to go to hell!!!", Taejeon squeaked out happily, now getting up and walking away from his father, eyes glaring around while he tried to make out the way in the dark. The only lights were up in his small corner where he had his toys which Taehyung brought him.
But where Jungkook was placed there was nothing, not even a small candle or anything.

The boy didn't even know which day it was or what the time of the day was. Was it night? Or day? Did Jungkook even sleep since he got here? Honestly, he had no clue. Everything just got blurry in his mind, memories fading into one another.
The only one who didn't seem worried at all was the small boy who ran around the dark with his eyes glowing in excitement. If only he would know that they were in danger and that there was criminal upstairs who would not hesitate to kill them if they'd refuse his orders.

Yet Jungkook had enough already.
The boy got up and walked upstairs until he stood in front of the locked door. He knocked on it loudly, well knowing that Taehyung told him not to make any noises as long as he wasn't with them. Kook couldn't care less. "Yo, asshole, open up that door", he yelled and slammed his fists against the wooden door all over again.

It took Taehyung not even a full minute until he ripped the door open, eyeing Jungkook full of anger. "What did I tell you about being loud?!", he groaned and pushed Jungkook backwards, making him stumble and almost falling downstairs.

Luckily he could grab on the older's arm which gave him in some way stability.
"Fuck, what are you doing", Taehyung hissed and then walked downstairs, dragging Jungkook along. "I'm a fucking criminal, you can't just break my rules! I don't exactly want to kill you man-"

"Then don't", Jungkook sighed.

"Mhm. What is it? Why did wake me up in the middle of the night?", Taehyung lifted one eyebrow which looked oddly handsome. The boy gasped a little, gulping down his dry throat. "Uhm-, my son would like to see the sun. Can we go for a walk in the morning?"

The older simply started laughing.

"Oh sure, how about I make all your wishes come true??", Taehyung snapped, slapping Jungkook's cheek harshly. "You need to learn some respect my dear."
"And you need to learn how to treat a human being properly. He's a kid, he needs the sun and social interaction for fuck's sake! Just because you're some anti-social idiot doesn't mean my son has to be!", Kook grumbled, "Don't you dare ruin his life just because you couldn't kill us when you had to."

Taehyung let out a sigh, "Fine, give me the boy. I'll take him outside tomorrow."
"I'm coming with you", Jungkook said sharply. "That's my kid."

"Fine, then rot in here", Taehyung shrugged, turned around and was about to walk upstairs if Jungkook wouldn't grasp on his elbow and pull him back around. "I don't even know your name, what makes you think I'd give you my son?"

"Nothing", Taehyung smiled. "You can't trust me and you don't know if I'll take him out or if I'll rip his little head off and feed it to you for dinner." He ruffled Jungkook's hair and winked teasingly.
"All you can do is sit here and hope", he whispered and then clapped his hands. "Yo, kiddo? You wanna have some chocolate cake? I made some this evening and I can't eat all of it alone!"

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