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i had a happy ending planned for this book but some of u inspired me last night 😈


TEN years later ..

"Babe-", Lyza turned her head, staring at Jungkook blankly. "Do you hear what I hear?!"
Silence. Jungkook adjusted his glasses and looked up from the paper he was reading. It was around 2am and the couple was still up, they preferred late night hours. Plus their son was out partying for the very first time, at his best friend's birthday party.
"No", Jungkook replied, not hearing anything but just when he had said that, they got to hear a squeaky moaning sound from the bedroom next door. "Babe-", Lyza said once again but Jungkook was already frozen.

"No way", he let out bluntly, "Did you hear him coming home?!"

"No and we've been up all night", Lyza gulped dryly, listening to the moans that just kept coming. "These aren't Taejeon's moans." She just said, "That's a girl."

"He brought a girl home at his first party?!", Jungkook let out in disbelief.
The parents looked at each other for a while, "Should we do something?", Lyza asked unsure, she had never thought about any of this happening. In her mind Taejeon was still the six year old kid and not a 16 year old teenager in puberty with sexual desires.
"I don't know-", Kook said, "He will kill us if we ruin this for him-"

"Is he having his first time drunk after a party?!", Lyza asked, "Sounds awfully lot like how you got me pregnant back then, remember?"
Jungkook gulped. Bad, bad memories that he'd love to forget.
"Probably not his first time the way he's making the poor girl scream", Kook let out a sigh. "Let's go to bed and tomorrow he'll get a lecture if he won't even bring her to breakfast."
His girlfriend agreed and then they went to sleep, hugging each other.
Jungkook thought to himself for a while, smiling a little because at least his son was finding somebody to love. Unlike Jungkook who still couldn't sleep one damn night without thinking of Taehyung and how he must be feeling after all those years. He pictured him in all kinds of different scenarios, sometimes as a farmer living happily on the country-side, other times he imagined him as a famous business man with a lot of money and a pretty husband at home. And then there were days where he pictured him being still caught up in the drug dealing business, never really finding true happiness. Those thoughts hurt the most.

The night passed by, mostly sleepless for Jungkook who couldn't take his mind off Taehyung first and later he thought about his son for the rest of the night, wondering when he grew up so fast..

And with that in mind he slowly dozed off to sleep.

"Good Morning."
Lyza and Jungkook stood in front of Taejeon's bedroom before he could even sneak the girl out the next morning. It was 6am and they got up extra early to be there before Taejeon. They at least wanted to take a look at the girl their son was bringing home in the middle of the night, sneaking in so quietly that they wouldn't even notice.

Taejeon had just opened the door when he met his parents' faces.
"Oh for fuck's sake", he cursed out and ruffled through his own hair, a little frustrated because he knew exactly that his parents knew what went down last night. "Get a life", he snapped and then slammed the door shut in front of their faces and went back to the bed where the girl was still laying in, dressed by now luckily.
"Just so you know, my parents suck as hell. Whatever they say to you, just ignore them, okay?", he asked her and she nodded a little confused. "My Dad sucks too, no worries."

The young couple left the bed after a while, inhaling deeply for whatever bullshit was about to come.
Of course Jungkook and Lyza were still standing outside, waiting patiently until they got to see the girl Taejeon brought home.
He opened the door once again and looked at his parents with rolling eyes, "You two really should get a dog or something", he grumbled, "Anything that will make you less fixated on me."

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