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omg it has been almost two months since i updated this.. im so sorry and i hope u guys are still with me ))):


"Damnit, that's worse than anything we ever did", Jungkook complained, spying out of the window. The three of them were still sitting in their car, watching the charity event from afar. There were already a lot of people arriving, shaking hands and hugging their fake friends. It was a fun thing to see because you could literally watch their smiles fading away as soon as someone turned away from them. Charity events were such a fake thing in the higher society. You just go there to brag about who spent the most money on which good thing, but no one actually cares about the stuff you spend your money to.
Rich people suck.
Taehyung had always hated them but with Jungkook, he had a rich kid in his car. Even though his family had always been shit, the boy was still rich as hell and grew up without ever worrying about money. However, Taehyung was the whole opposite.

"Oh, you think that's worse than being kidnapped and held hostage, almost killing a friend of mine and running from the police? Damn, Jungkook", Taehyung joked and ruffled his boyfriend's hair. "You have weird opinions on things."

"Yeah, everything about me is weird. Like my taste in men", Jungkook grumbled and then turned to the back where Taejeon was sitting. He had his legs crossed and was wearing his way too big sunglasses. "Are we gonna play gangster?", he asked excited, shaking his little fists. He was dressed in fully black, a cap on his head. Jungkook was actually glad he dressed up like this on his own because he was afraid as hell that people would recognize the boy from pictures on the internet. The whole country was looking for the two of them and Yoongi had nothing better to do than to send them to an official charity event, how thoughtful.

"Yeah", Jungkook smiled at the tiny boy. "You have to keep your glasses on at all times and never put the cap off, okay?"

Taejeon nodded his big head and smiled happily, "This is so fun!"
"Totally", Jungkook smiled bitterly and then gave Taehyung a look. "What's the plan?"

"Okay, so Yoongi told me their initials are L.M and J.K. They wear those on the back of their clothes. Apparently, they are here to rob someone. We gotta find those two and get them killed before they escape. I'd say we both go separate ways and once one of us found them, we inform the other and get the job done."
Jungkook nodded, "Great. Any idea how they look?"

"No, I just know about the initials."

"Great", Jungkook sighed. Then he put his own sunglasses and cap on and got out of the car, grabbed the kid from the backseat and waited for Taehyung to get out too.

"I'd say I take Taejeon with me", Taehyung hummed, "Because when people recognize you or him and then realize it's the two of you, we're fucked. But if I have a kid with me, it's okay. My face isn't on the internet that much because I'm just known as the kidnapper."

Jungkook rolled his eyes, "Idiot. You're as well known as me because of this shit."

"Still, I want the kid", Taehyung argued and grabbed Taejeon from the younger. He would never admit it but he was afraid of this whole mission and having Taejeon by his side would make everything so much easier. He had a way of always making a situation seem fun and harmless. The best boy ever, for sure.

"Whatever", Jungkook rolled his eyes and then just walked off. He wanted to get this done, no excuses and no procrastination. Just get those two people dead and make sure Taejeon and him would have a roof above their heads for the next few weeks.

Taehyung and Taejeon however made their way to the bar. It shouldn't be too suspicious, right? So a few drinks beforehand shouldn't be too much to ask. The boy sat the kid down on the bar in front of him and then looked at the guy behind the counter, "What can I give you?", he asked patiently, eyeing the kid for a while.

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