Chapter 56

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Billie's POV

"You fucked up."

The ceiling fan spinning endlessly above me was the only thing keeping me sane for the past god knows how long, words from Claudia and Finneas and Macy and Claudia and Claudia and Claudia flowing through one ear and straight out of the other.

Repressing a groan, I reluctantly dragged my eyes back down to focus on Claudia, who was currently pacing the room in front of where me and Finn were still slumped on the couch.

"You fucked up, and, honestly, what should have happened, happened. There was no other way out of that."

She stopped pacing abruptly, biting her lip in thought.

At this point, I wasn't even totally sure if she was still talking to me.


Her eyebrows furrowed, and, slowly but surely, her pacing began again.

"But, this isn't how I saw it ending. You two were completely made for each other, to end up
together. It's just..."

Her pacing came to a halt again as she spun around to face me, her eyes strong and determined.

"How to get from here... To there."

Rose's POV

My eyes drifted up from my phone to see Lyndsey wandering aimlessly a couple feet in front of me, glancing down towards the entrance of the parking lot every so often.

We were waiting to our car to the airport so we could fly from LA to Boston.

Lyndsey wanted to go back to her place for Christmas, so I agreed. I figured it'd be a nice break, away from everything, and I could actually see how we function in a relationship without the added pressures of touring.

Then, I guess after that, I could
go back to London.

Lyndsey's nose scrunched as she shook her wrist, making her watch fall out from underneath her sleeve so she could glance at it. I giggled under my breath as I watched her, and she smiled before pulling her phone out, typing a message.


Cheesy grins plastered on both of our faces, I stood from where I was slumped against the hotel bench and wandered over to the taller girl, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my cheek in between her shoulder blades. I felt her lean back against me slightly, the sound of her keyboard tapping and the quiet lull of far-away traffic reminding me of how little sleep I got last night.

I let my eyes flutter shut for a second before Lyndsey's familiar voice brought me back to reality.

"You're sleeping, aren't you?"

Billie's POV

I rolled my eyes, not caring if she saw, and didn't even try to suppress the groan that echoed out of my throat.

She sighed exasperatedly, her arms falling defeatedly to her sides as she shot Finneas a helpless look.

He chuckled nervously, knowing it was his turn, and I swear I heard him gulp.

"You said they're moving in together, right?"

I noticed Claudia's eyes widen, and I heard Macy gasp, and I saw Finneas recoil slightly into the couch.


A smile danced against my lips as I raised an eyebrow, not looking up from the loose threads on the end of my hoodie.

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