Chapter 8. Hard choices for good reasons.

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Once I arrived back at the dorms the hole in my chest seemed to be almost fully healed. I dragged all my bags of new clothes up to my room. Brie wasn't home so I just started unpacking my bags. When I was finished, she still wasn't back but it was late. I made myself a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich then got ready for bed. Never heard her come in.

In the morning I woke up with a buzz of excitement! I was back! I couldn't wait to see Brie, Amy, and especially Michael! Wait no! It was all too easy to fall back into my previous rhythm. I had to put some distance between him and I. I had to focus on school. Maybe if I repeat it enough I'll remember to stick to it... maybe.

It was Saturday morning so I went down the hall to knock on Amy's door. Even though I had a phone now, I didn't have anyone's number besides Thomas. Amy answered the door. When she saw me she squealed and pulled me into a hug. We jumped up and down together like little kids. Truly happy to see each other. She invited me inside.

I had never been in Amy's room before. I had wondered before why she never mentioned a roommate. Turns out, she doesn't have one. Her dorm room only had a single bedroom. Other than the missing bedroom, her room was basically a copy of mine. She started a cup of coffee and we sat down to talk about our breaks. Amy hadn't done much and hadn't seen much of Brie. Not surprising, she had probably spent most of her time with Brian.

I told Amy about my issues with my grades and told her of my plans to keep my distance from Michael and the others. She full heartedly agreed that it was a great plan. Over eager if you ask me, which made me chuckle. I think she was excited because it meant she could spend more time with me this way. I didn't think Brie would take it as good as Amy.

I remembered my phone and Amy and I switched numbers. I got Brie's from her as well. I texted Brie to let her know I was home. In reply I just got a bunch of exclamation marks. Ten minutes later I could hear Brie our in the hall happily yelling my name, trying to embarrass me.

I hadn't told Brie I was at Amy's so when I heard her pass I jumped out with a "boo!" I was trying to scare her but instead I ran face first into none other than Michael. I blushed deeply. He looked relieved to see me but I quickly turned my face from him to look at Brie. Even being this close to him made my heart flutter and my stomach felt full of butterflies. I quickly changed my focus to Brie and Brian. Brian stood beside her with an amused look on his face. Brie had her hands on her hips, tapping her foot, and her face was sporting the biggest puppy dog pout I had ever seen. I immediately busted out laughing. When I did she ran to me and gave me a big hug. When our skin came into contact she immediately dropped her arms.

"Ouch! What on earth was that?!" She complained rubbing her arms. I was pretty surprised. Brie had definitely touched my skin before and hadn't been shocked by it. I thought it was only certain people, but guess not. It's just random apparently.

"Sorry, I guess I shock people. Need to learn to pick up my feet I guess." I grumbled. I was pretty annoyed that it kept happening. Brian and Michael both laughed. I ignored them, trying to keep my determination for what I had to do. I was worried if I even spent a little bit of time with Michael that I would fall right back into the same pattern.

"Could Brie and I have some time just us?" I questioned full of uncertainty. I didn't want to hurt their feelings but I had to do this. The guys just grumbled and walked away. Not before Brian kissed Brie sweetly. As they walked away I could feel Michael's gaze on me. At that moment I suddenly feel another intense headache. The necklace got hot and heavy for a second before returning to normal. When I turned around the guys were out of sight. Amy looked at me with concern but didn't say anything as Brie and I walked into her room.

I explained to Brie about my scholarship and my decision with Michael. I knew it would effect her too. I was praying she would be understanding. She was disappointed but said she understood and would try to help. I just really didn't want to lose my scholarship! We spent the rest of the day together talking. Turns out while I was gone Brie and Brian had gotten really close. She was now spending most nights with him in his room, or he stayed with her in ours. I cringed hoping she kept it to the bedroom. She blushed crimson and I knew I needed to disinfect the shared quarters in our dorm.

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