Chapter 12. The hard truth

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I knew this was going to be hard. Amy, Thomas, and I had moved and were now all sitting at his grand dining room table. Amy had her hands clasped together on her lap and was staring at them, visibly nervous. Thomas in the other hand, looked as cool as a cucumber. I sighed, causing both of them to look at me. I made eye contact with Amy, then Thomas to let them know I was serious.

"I know I'm crazy, but I care a lot about both of you so I'm just going to come out and ask. Are you two..." I took a deep breath before whispering out the next word, "witches." Thomas full out grinned before doubling over in laughter. Repeating 'no' between fits of laughter. I rolled my eyes at him then turned my attention to Amy. She was scared, actually looked like she was going to throw up.

"Yes." She squeaked, "I am."  Thomas was still rolling with laughter but my heart skipped a beat. My next words surprised even me. I'm not even sure what possessed me to say it, probably Thomas's laughter made me feel as if they were teasing me.

"Prove it."

Amy sighed before standing up to grab one of Thomas's potted plants. She walk back to the table with it and sat it down. She reached out her hand to it and mumbled something in a different language. The plant instantly perked up and grew. The tiny buds blossomed into huge beautiful red flowers. I was speechless. Everything I thought I knew was apparently wrong. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths. Amy didn't say anything but sat back down.

I took my time sorting through my confused brain. First thing, apparently witches exist. There was no denying it. The proof was in my face. It was hard to accept but I had no choice. Second thing I needed to figure out was if this changed how I felt about Amy. We had lived together for several months. Not once did she hurt me. She was still the same person but apparently magical. My mind made up, I opened my eyes and smiled at her.

Amy was surprised but smiled back. Then I turned to Thomas.

"But you aren't one?" I questioned Thomas.

"No I am not." He confidently replied with an amused edge to it. I thought about it for a moment.

"Are you a werewolf?" I hesitantly asked. He scoffed at me.

"Definitely not." He replied, seemingly amused with his game but I wasn't going to give up.

"Are you human?"

"Nope I'm not that either." He simply replied. I was stunned but not at the same time.

"I give up, what are you?" I sighed. Acting like this conversation was completely normal.

"I'm not going to tell you. I want you to figure it out." Thomas smiled at me as he said this. I went to ask Amy but he cut me off, "and don't even think of asking Amy. Supernaturals aren't allowed to reveal other supernaturals identity to a non magical. Seriously."

I huffed.

"Thomas, if you don't tell me, I swear I am going to leave. I think I'm taking all of this pretty damn well. But if you think I'm going to trust you and stay here with you, when you won't trust me with what you are, you are mistaken." I fumed. I couldn't believe he didn't trust me enough to tell me.

"Okay, okay, calm yourself. I was just having a bit of fun. Should be careful who you threaten though, vampires are known to hold a grudge." Thomas replied with a hint of sarcasm. I gasped in surprise and he winked at me. Wait... what?! Not just werewolves and witches, but vampires too.

"You're not pulling my leg?" I ask seriously.

"Nope." Thomas replied popping the 'p' as he said it.

Too much, too much at once, but I still needed to know more. I needed to understand this.

"Can you both give me a run down so I understand. I'm trying really hard to understand and be supportive but I'm in shock. Movies come to mind but I can't expect them to be truthful." Amy and Thomas both seemed happy that I wasn't freaking out and wanted to know more so they both agreed to break down the basics for me.

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