Chapter 16. Rogue attack

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Rogues were werewolves that either left or were kicked out a pack. Without a pack werewolves turned more animalistic, they would slowly lose their humanity, become savage. A multi-rogue attack was not common, usually they couldn't cooperate with anyone, even other rogues. Since this was a full scale attack everyone knew there was something more going on behind the scenes.

I was in a basement type room. There were two male werewolves that I didn't know and Thomas, the rest in here were women and children. This was a panic room of sorts. Only one way in, which was well hidden. We could hear some of what was going on outside but couldn't see anything. Listening to the snarls and screams coming outside made me sick to my stomach. I started feeling hot, like I was starting to get a fever. I tried my best to snap out of it. I faded in and out of consciousness as I waited for the fighting to cease

Soon enough pack members came down to tell us the coast was clear. Amy grabbed my arm to wake me up and noticed that I was burning up. I was half delirious by this point. I couldn't hear what everyone was saying and the room was starting to spin. I could feel sweat droplets on my forehead.

Next thing I knew I was in someone arms, they were running super fast. We approached Thomas's house and went inside. Thomas laid me down on my bed. Amy soon came in and gave me some sort of herbs, she mentioned a high fever and illness. They both took a big whiff and deadpanned.

Amy muttered about needing to put up a shield. She started muttering in another language, visible fatigue came over her quickly so Thomas grabbed her hand. Her hands glowed slightly and it felt like the air was sucked out of the room. She sat down on the bed then looked up to Thomas and thanked him. I'm not sure when or if they left, I may have fallen asleep, I couldn't remember, all I felt was peaceful darkness, though the pain lingered.

When I opened my eyes the sun was shining through the windows. I was hot. I could feel sweat sticking to every inch of my body. I unwillingly screamed, it felt like every inch of my body was being licked by fire. Amy and Thomas both came rushing in my room.

I was still in pain and it seemed to be intensifying. Every joint and bone ached and it felt like someone had lit my skin on fire and was attempting to pull every bone out of socket. I was trying to keep from screaming but the screams still made their way out of my mouth. This pain didn't compare to any pain I've ever felt. Thomas and Amy exchange worried looks.

All of the sudden I heard banging. I didn't know where it was coming from and honestly didn't care. The pain took over my every sense.

——-Michael POV——-

Brie and Noel had walked off with Noel crying. I sat there thinking about how much I hated myself for letting her see me like that. Seeing her in pain even made my wolf whimper. He is very attached and protective of Noel, which is why Thomas's comments got to us so much. Why couldn't Noel be my mate? I felt drawn to her but my wolf didn't recognize her scent as our mate's. There also wasn't sparks when we touched. Thomas cleared his throat. Oh boy here we go again.

"Look Michael, I know that you've grown attached to Noel. She is a wonderful person. But you know how this is going to end and it isn't going to be pretty. She's going to get hurt." Thomas stated calmly, I went to speak but he continued talking before I could, "I'm worried about her removing the necklace because it is enchanted to protect her. We don't know by who or why but her last memory is of her parents telling her to never take it off."

"Until she is safe." I concluded for him. "Did you think that maybe she figured out for herself that the time was right? She's surrounded by a strong pack of wolves, a witch, and a vampire. How much safer could she get?"

We continued to argue for awhile until a breeze blew and I caught an amazing scent. The others seemed to catch it too and didn't know what to make of it. I sniffed harder as the scent was barely there, hard to make out. There were so many scents but it belonged to one person. The strongest scent was cedarwood. Next strongest scent was vanilla which must've been their personal scent. But I could also smell a little bit of peppermint and sage. A hybrid? I could smell a human with a tiny hint of werewolf, Brie, walking next to the owner of this smell... Noel? It's Noel! How does that make sense!? Noel was a supernatural? I could now see her approaching us  and couldn't wait to tell her, but as soon as I took a step towards her someone mindlinked me and I stopped.

Rouges are running in the woods for our border! Not sure of numbers but there's a lot of them! The warrior on patrol mind linked all current and soon to be high ranking wolves.

"Rogues!" Brian and I shouted at the same time. Everyone around us erupted into organized chaos. The siren above the dorm went off. I saw Brian trying to take Brie to safety. I understood, as much as I wanted to run Noel to safety, we had a duty to our pack. I stopped him and shouted at the vampire to take them to safety. I mindlinked the Luna, and briefly explained that there was a vampire, his mate (since Amy had her scent covered) and another human were coming and that they were trusted.

Even though my heart was being pulled to Noel I ran the other way. I had to protect her and the rest of my pack. Our pack bravely fought and killed nearly 30 rogues. Having that many coordinated was unheard of and definitely didn't bode well for any of us. Someone powerful was pulling strings and had their eyes set on our pack for some reason. Brian and I were still out in the woods, Scouting to make sure we didn't miss any rogues. I heard the women and children starting to come out of the bunker so I ran towards it with Brian but I didn't see Noel. Brian found Brie and embraced her. I mind linked the Luna to ask where Noel was.

She was feeling ill dear. I don't know what she is but something is going on. She was burning up and kept passing out. The vampire and the girl with them carried her away.

I searched for them for hours. Following her scent. I was furious, how dare they take her! My wolf wanted blood. He was very protective over Noel, I was the level headed one, I would allow an explanation before I decided anything. Her scent abruptly ended in an empty field. The field was out of place. I felt like I had been here before. Suddenly pain started shooting through my heart. My wolf painfully spoke in my head. This pain was effecting him even more than me.

It's mate. Mate is hurting. Mate is in the house that's hidden here.

This was all so confusing! First, Noel is some form of supernatural, unlike any I've ever smelled. And now all the sudden my wolf is talking about our mate! Who is our mate?! And who is hurting her?!

I started throwing my fists in the air. Finally I found something solid I couldn't see and just banged on it as hard as I could. I could feel my mate's pain fade away slowly. I banged harder. Ready to rip apart anything that stood in my way. I was just praying she was asleep, whoever she was. I felt a hand grab ahold of my arm and pulled me towards them.

As I moved forward it was a strange feeling. I could see the bubble I was passing through as soon as I stepped into it. I could see the two different realities on each side. The feeling was strange, it felt like what I image walking through cold, raw, egg whites would feel. Once I was through it the air felt stale and heavy. In front of me was Thomas and Amy, behind them was Thomas's house.

The mate bond surged, pulling me towards the house. Thomas put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I saw red. I was fixing to remove his hand from his arm for him when Amy spoke up.

"Michael wait. Please." She pleaded softly. "We need to try to figure out what's going on. And we don't know who to trust."

This infuriated me so I growled. "I am her MATE! She is safest with ME!" I roared. Amy looked visibly shaken but didn't say anything.

"Your mate?" Amy asked quietly.

"I don't know my wolf is going crazy. I can feel her pain." I replied quickly and hotly. Not wanting to be delayed any more.

They both allowed me to pass. Smart move for someone who values their life. I followed the bond which led to Noel. I breathed in her strange but heavenly scent, it calmed both me and my wolf.

Noel is my mate. There is no denying it. It made no sense but I didn't care as I felt my heart fill with joy and excitement.

Noel was laying on the bed on her back with the sheets clenched in her hands. She was passed out but the look of pain was still lingering on her face. She was still wearing her beautiful white sundress but it was dirty from being in the bunker and soaked with sweat. Her entire body glistened with sweat. I wanted so badly to kiss her but this was not the time.

Amy and Thomas walked in the room I turned to growl at them but Noel's eyes shot open, so immediately all my focus was on her. The screaming started again so I grabbed her hand. Sparks erupted everywhere on my skin that made contact with her skin, the sparks spread up my arm and through my entire body.

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