Chapter 11. Good things never seem to last

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Brian, Brie, Michael, myself, and even Amy started hanging out almost every day again. Almost like the months of distance never happened. I loved being with Michael. I was starting to think that I might love him. Since the time at the cliff Michael hasn't touched me. He walks very close to me, watches out for me, and seems very possessive with me. I'm back to the mixed feelings. Does he like me or does he see me like a little sister? Every once in a while I would see him checking me out though, and that made me hopeful.

Things stayed this way for a few weeks. It was comfortable but I wanted more. Plus we were leaving the next day to see Thomas, something Michael showed extreme distaste for. So that night while we were at a bonfire I worked up the courage to kiss him. I leaned my head on his shoulder since he was was wearing a jacket. When he turned his face towards mine I almost lost my never. The glow of the fire on his face made him look impossibly more handsome and maybe a bit scary. But I pushed myself up so that our lips met.

It was glorious for the half second that it lasted. My heart seemed to burst with joy. I loved him, when I kissed him I knew it for sure. I had kissed a few boys back home but this was different. But he pulled away quickly and covered his lips with his hand. With a confused look on his face he stood up, turned his back on me, and ran into the forest. I sat there; alone, dazed, and hurt. I felt like I was going to shatter. And of corse my body decided it was a good time for pain. The headache surged, felt like someone was stabbing my brain with knives, trying to cut to the center of it. I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on them. I silently cried. It wasn't from the pain from my headache, but from the pain of heartbreak. Off in the distance I heard a long deep howl.

No one really knew what to say, I didn't want them to pity me so when the pain subsided enough I decided to go back to my dorm. Amy jumped up to walk with me and I appreciated it. I waved goodbye to everyone else and we headed home. Amy wasn't one to pry. She could tell I was hurt so she just stayed silent. We went straight to our dorm and I went directly to my bed. I didn't bother to undress. I curled up under my blanket and let the tears fall freely.

I must've fallen asleep though, because I was suddenly startled by my phone. It was a single text from Michael.

Can we talk?

I replied back 'yes' and felt the hope bubbling inside me. I tried to squash it down but couldn't. My phone dinged again.

Come open your door

I ran to the door without checking my appearance and pulled it open. Michael looked defeated and in pain. I gestured for him to come inside and he did but he didn't sit down. He looked at my face, regret and sorrow flashed through his eyes. I'm sure my face was puffy and he could tell that I had been crying.

"I'm so sorry Noel. There's no easy way to do this so I'm just going to say it." Michael started and my heart clenched. "There is someone out there who is made for me, I haven't met her, but this," He gestured between the two of us, "isn't fair to anyone, Especially you. I really like you Noel but I shouldn't have let this go on like I have. I still want to be fri-" I cut him off.

"It's okay. You said what you needed to so please leave. I'm very tired and I have a train to catch in the morning." I tried to make my face like stone and to keep my voice even. I think he bought it because his shoulders slumped and he nodded then walked back out of my door. Before he shut the door he gave me one last look. It was hard to decipher. Longing? Love? Regret? I wasn't really sure but I felt my stone melting and was thankful when he shut the door. I burst into tears again and ran back into my bedroom.

Why does this hurt so much? I've been through breakups and it never hurt me like this. It was like my chest was on fire, being burned from the inside out. Soon a headache began. Only adding to my misery. Then my necklace started burning. I wanted to throw it across the room, but it was the only thing I had from my parents. With the thought of my parents everything calmed, the headache faded and the necklace cooled. By now I've realized I probably shouldn't wear the stupid necklace but my recurring dream of my parents telling me to never take it off was ingrained deep and I didn't feel safe without it. I drifted back off into sleep. No dreams, just empty darkness.

The next morning my face was puffy and I was not in a good mood. I finished packing to go meet up with Thomas. Amy was ready to go  and had coffee for both of us. Thankfully she didn't bring up Michael and we finished getting around and left for the train station. It was a quiet, comfortable ride with Amy. She checked to make sure I was okay before leaving me alone.

Once we got to the station to meet Thomas I ran straight to him and bawled my eyes out, I couldn't help it. He looked enraged. I made sure I wasn't touching his skin then hugged tighter. He gently patted my head and asked where my friend was. I picked my head up and blinked through the tears to see Amy a few feet away frozen in shock with a strange look on her face. When I waved her over she took slow heavy steps forward.

Thomas greeted her stiffly then tried to talk to me. I didn't respond and he decided we were going to his house. Amy did not seem to want to go but I was crying already and begging her so she reluctantly gave in. The car ride to his house was silent, besides my occasional sniffing, but unlike the train ride, it was very uncomfortable. The air seemed tense. I didn't know why and honestly didn't care. Once we arrived Thomas carefully carried me into his house and up to my room. Amy followed but Thomas asked to speak to her privately.

I was beyond spent. I closed my eyes and willed for myself to be taken to dream land and away from this pain. Instead I  dreamed of Amy and Thomas having a strange conversation.

"You are my mate. So whatever you're using to hide your stench isn't going to work on me. I know you're a witch." Thomas spat out.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't using it to hide from you. The school is full of werewolves and I just wanted to live in peace." Amy replied in a small voice.

"Does Noel know?" He ask suddenly.

"No. No one does." Amy quietly replied. "I left my coven years ago. I didn't like the way they treated people who were different. I just wanted to live in peace. I made my own way and ended up at that school before I realized it was full of werewolves. I've had no trouble with them though. They think I'm human."

"Have you cast any spells on Noel?" Thomas's voice still hard.

"No I would never!" Amy cried out.

"And what about her crying?" Thomas asked in a more gentle tone.

"Well.. she got close to a boy.. he's the alphas son... I thought maybe she was his mate, her old roommate, who is human, is the betas son's mate. But Noel kissed him and then he pushed her away. She never said anything about feeling sparks so I don't think they are." Amy quietly explained.

"And what of the locket? I know that it is enchanted." Thomas responded.

"I don't know much about it. One of the symbols is for protection but that's all I know. She rarely takes it off."

"She's been wearing it for as long as I've known her. I don't know who she truly is but I'm starting to think there's something big going on..."

This strange dream conversation faded into the dream about my parents, then on to others about werewolves, witches, and dragons. None of my dreams featured Michael, which I was thankful for.

In the morning though my first dream was running through my head. Was the conversation between Thomas and Amy real? It couldn't be... I knew better. Things like witches and werewolves just don't exist!!

I shook my head and proceeded to get ready for a shower. I left my locket on my bed. While in the shower I kept running through the conversation in my mind. They were talking about me and mates and my locket. The stuff about Brian and Brie made sense, them being mates. Assuming that meant soul mates. And maybe the explanation about Michael made sense. If he thought he had a soul mate out there, and knew it wasn't me... I started crying again. None of this could be true! Even if things made sense it just couldn't be! Amy a witch?! Amy was the nicest, most gentle person I'd ever met.

I dried my tears as I stepped out of the shower. I had brought my clothes in with me, so I got dressed and did my hair. While getting ready I decided that I was going to have to point blank ask two people that I was close to the craziest question ever. I open the door to my room to find Amy and Thomas sitting on my bed. Amy had my locket on a towel in her hand studying it closely. Both pair of eyes snapped up to me. I cleared my throat, well, here goes nothing.

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