Chapter 13. Moving time

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When I woke up the next day I felt refreshed. You'd think someone in my shoes would be a wreck. But learning all that I did just seemed to put puzzle pieces into place for me. I think subconsciously I knew something was up. Hard to believe my only real friend growing up was a vampire though and that I had unconsciously surrounded myself with supernatural beings. I laughed at myself, what a coincidence.

I got ready for the day and went down to eat breakfast with Amy and Thomas. They both seemed rather awkward. I inconspicuously tried to look to see if Thomas or Amy were marked, neither were but Amy caught me looking and blushed. I quickly turned to Thomas to make conversation.

"So how old are you anyway then??" I ask with curiosity.

"Old enough to be your great grandfather." He replied with a wink.

Amy giggled before she added, "I'd wager I'm not much younger."

It felt like my eyes bulged out of my sockets! "What?! There's no way!!"

They laughed at me some more so I grumbled out, "old farts." Which just made Thomas howl with laughter. I was annoyed and subconsciously started playing with my locket, when Thomas calmed down he noticed.

"So what's up with your locket anyway? You know all of our secrets now so I feel like it's only fair you share." Thomas teased.

I sighed. I really didn't know much about my locket. The dreams, which both of them knew a little about. But I had never revealed the new information I had learned. Before I kept it to myself because I felt crazy. But hey, I'm sitting down for breakfast with a witch and vampire, what did I have to lose?

"Well, you both know about my dream right?" I questioned and they both nodded. "Well recently I've had a little more clarity. The woman is my mother, her name is Amiah. I think man is my father and his name might be Orion. They gave me the necklace to protect myself. Said only to take it off when I knew I was safe. I think they might've been killed that night."

Amy and Thomas sat there for a moment thinking over what I had just said. Neither had heard either names before but said they would ask around. I was hoping maybe they would know of my parents.

"There's more." I sighed. This part was a bit harder to admit. "I think the necklace might be what's causing me to shock everyone. And I'm now wondering if it's only those who are supernaturals. When I get mad I get a very strong migraine and the locket starts to burn me. Sometimes it feels heavy. It does it other times too but I don't know what the trigger is."

"Take it off and give it to me." Amy demanded.

I trusted her so I did what she asked. She closely examined the design on the back. Thomas looked at it as well but didn't understand any of it. Amy handed it back, I just cradled it in my hands.

"Part of it does mean protection, I don't recognize the rest but I'll do some research. I don't know what it's purpose is but if your parents put it on you then there's probably a reason. Also silver is kind of like poison to supernaturals, so having it on you alone is some protection from our kind. I wonder... set the locket down on the table and don't touch it." She told me and I followed her direction. Then she grabbed my arm. She jumped a little. "Now put it back on your neck." Again I complied and again she grabbed my arm. This time her face scrunched up in pain.

"Okay, well the shock is still there even with the necklace off, but no where near as strong. But I wonder if part of the enchantment is leaking sliver into your system so supernaturals literally can't touch you.... I've never heard of it being done, but theoretically it's possible. And if it is it must be drawing power from you, which would explain the slow development." I blushed crimson but Amy continued, almost as if she was talking to herself. "The power and knowledge to do this would have had to be a very old and powerful witch, maybe even a council member. Maybe I could ask them-"

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