Chapter 18. Captive

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I wake up to my head ringing. I try to put my hand to my forehead only to hit my snout. My hands were still paws. I stared at them for a minute before I remembered what happened before I passed out. I was in my wolf form and got ambushed. Now, I was in a prison cell by the looks of it. I didn't know if it was Michael's pack or another.

I tried to ask my wolf but she just grumbled in response. Sounded like she was asleep or something. I looked around myself. Even though it was pitch black I was able to see fairly well. The walls were all stone, laced with a shiny substance, one sniff told me it was silver. The bars that lined the entire front side of my cell were made of pure silver. On the other side of the bars was a long hallway, I couldn't see anything in either direction other than the walls of the hallway.

The prison smelled of sweat, blood, and decay. I could smell other wolves but they were distant, behind another door perhaps. I could hear a faucet dripping somewhere down the hall. I sat down on my hind legs but yelped and immediately stood up again. Unaware of the tail I now possessed I had sat on it and it surprised me. I made sure my long white tail was behind me safely and sat down again. I didn't know how long I would be down here but I hoped it wouldn't be long. I missed my mate. I laid down on my front paws and closed my eyes. Imagining my mate in all his glory.

Seeing Michael in his wolf form while I was in mine was amazing. I loved him every bit as much in that form. My wolf did too. I yearned to know his wolf's name. His other half. With the thoughts of our mate Lilith seemed to come out of her grogginess.

Our mate is amazing, his wolf is named Avigdor(ah-VEEG-dohr). He will find us. I am weak from holding our form while we were knocked out. No one can know who were are. It's dangerous. My wolf commented.

Do you know where we are? I ask.

No. I was knocked out same as you.

There was nothing much to do so as my wolf regained some of her strength I started asking questions. She seemed to have so much more knowledge than I did.

I've always been here little one. You and even your parents were able to sense me even before they gave you the necklace.

This I was surprised to hear. I though most werewolves were much older before they made contact with their wolves and shifted... though they did mention the stronger the wolf was the sooner it happened. My wolf chuckled.

Little one, we are very strong. We are special. We weren't able to shift yet though. As soon as our scent started to manifest we were in danger. Your parents knew that and went to a witch for help. That's where the locket came from. A very old and powerful witch. It locked all of your supernatural sides in along with your scent. The silver necklace seeped into your skin making us weak. The protection spell drew its power from us. If others could smell you they would know what you are. Knowing who you are others would have come after you. Your parents had planned on training you a little at a time, Removing the necklace when safe. But after they had the necklace made the witches coven was attacked. The witch told your parents to flee but they were pursued. That's when the dream you keep having happened.

Do you know if either of them lived? I ask timidly, trying not to get my hopes up.

I do not know little one. Was all my wolf replied with.

What all do you know of my parents? I asked.

Your parents with both very old, they are mates who didn't find each other for a long time. Your father is a full werewolf and was the alpha of silver moon pack, he gave that up though when you were young, he left with you and your mother. His name is Orion Silver. Your last name is Silver as well, I know it always bothered you to not know.

Lilith was right. I was elated to know my name! Noel Silver, had a nice ring to it! And now I knew my fathers pack! I could look for him! But what of my mother? Lilith read my train of thoughts and continued.

Your mothers name is Nymeriah(NY-mare-e-uh). Lilith began.

Wait, no, the woman in my dream was named Amiah! I interrupted.

There is a reason she didn't use her real name, she is the same person. Her given name is Nymeriah, but she attempted to hide who she was and used the name Amiah. That is something that started before you were born so I don't know much about it either. Considering though, that your mother was a full supernatural blooded hybrid and her mate was a werewolf makes sense though. They would've been in danger. Your mother was half vampire and half witch. She took more after the witch side but had the speed and healing of a vampire. She was very strong.

Why would they have been in danger? I know it's not likely for the two to be mates but why would it cause them to be in danger? I ask, I couldn't piece it together.

Because of the possibility of YOU my dear. I would imagine in the beginning no one would have worried since both of your parents were well beyond the years expected to be able to have a child. But apparently somehow they managed it. And with that came the possibility of a white wolf. Which is what we are. I know no one has told you the legend of the white wolf yet, but I guarantee they all know it.

A white wolf is a very powerful abnormality. As you know, it is difficult for supernaturals to have children. There's always an age expiration, which for some unknown reason, did not apply to your mother, it's also difficult to conceive if they aren't mates. A white wolf is only born from mates that have all three supernatural races in their blood. Which everyone knows. What everyone doesn't know, is that one of the parents must be full blooded werewolf, otherwise the child will not be able to shift. Which leaves the other parent to be part witch and part vampire. But they must be strong or the child's different races will tear them apart.

When a white wolf is born the other white wolves can feel it. We were meant to help our world, to keep it at peace. Your parents didn't talk of an existing white wolf but I believe there is one.

White wolves are special in more ways than just linage. We possess the ability to shift like a werewolf. We have the werewolf's healing speed. The vampires speed. The witches ability to use magic. Our body itself is powerful, it has to be to be able to harness all of these supernatural races inside of you. You don't need blood like vampires, and the blood of any supernatural race isn't poisonous to us. You will also have special abilities. What these are I do not know. We will need to try to figure it out and train with them to get stronger.

A white wolf is only born when needed. History repeatedly shows that. What I've seen through our eyes doesn't show a need for us but there must be something lurking. I fear it'll make itself known soon. Once we get out of here we must start to train.

How do you know all of this? I ask Lilith. Amazed at the extent of her knowledge.

You are special little one and so am I. I've been able to watch the world through your eyes since you were very young. I could hear and understand things that you couldn't. I was also forged with an understanding of who and what I am. I am sure there's more to learn but I know what I need to know to begin.

Hours went by as my wolf and I chatted away in my head. Being in wolf form was oddly relaxing. Laying on the damp stone floor was much more comfortable than if I had been in human form.

I got to know Lilith. I learned that the reason my necklace would burn me was because she was trying to bring her conscience forward. When I heard a voice in my head, it was always her. For example, when I first visited Brie while she was in a coma. Lilith knew that Brian must've shifted too close to her. It was Lilith's anger burning through me that caused me to smack him. She was the one who said he deserved it. I chuckled out loud remember that whole scene in a different light now. 

As the sound of my wolfy chuckle bounced down the hall I heard the click of a far off door opening. I held my breath, we were finally about to face our captors.

Noel (completed!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon