Chapter 27. Drawing a line

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The council members had decided to stay temporarily at our pack house. The alphas were itching to go home to protect their packs but the council wanted to break for lunch, to gather their thoughts, then meet back to discuss everything.

During the lunch break Michael called Brian, Brie, Thomas, and Amy to come to the pack house. I think they could tell with Michael's tone that it was serious so they didn't ask questions, just hurried over.

Once they arrived Michael pulled everyone into a room alone and told them all that had happened. From what Alpha Jackson had tried to do, to the meeting with the council. Once he was finished everyone was very much on edge.

Amy was worried about the witch that was present, she wasn't ready for her relationship with Thomas to get back to her coven. I wanted to tell her she didn't have to do this for me. Before I could get the words out of my mouth she silenced me with a look.

Thomas was outraged. He wanted to hunt down Jackson, but he knew the meeting with the council was important. For us to stand a chance against Jackson we needed to be a unified force. This was most certainly going to be a war.

Brie was upset at all I had endured, and seemed very nervous about another white wolf. She was just a human in this crazy world. Brian took in all the information with a straight face but clung tightly to his mate.

"We will stand behind you, our Alpha, as well as our Luna." Brian declared with a straight, serious face.

"I cannot speak for my coven, but I will stand with you. I will have to report to my coven about all that's happened. With your permission I'd like to tell them everything." Thomas announced, at the end he looked to me and I nodded. Me being a white wolf was no longer going to be a secret.

"I will also follow you and help you to the best of my ability. I don't know how my coven will feel but when the time comes I will call them to have a meeting." Amy agreed, she seemed very uneasy about her coven.

With everything agreed upon we headed back to the meeting room. All of the alphas were already there, some arguing among themselves, the council members were standing against a wall, taking in the commotion of the alphas. When our entire entourage walked in the room fell silent.

The alphas looked leery of the vampire and witch in our company, however the council look intrigued. Blake seemed to be almost jumping up and down with excitement!

"Never thought I'd see that day when a white wolf surrounded themselves with all of the races!" Blake commented, clapping her hands together with excitement. I hadn't thought about it but I suppose it was true. I had a very close friend of each race, I suppose outside of our group not many can say that. I smiled at her before looking for our seats.

Everyone settled into their spots so the meeting could commence.

"What an interesting trip this has become! I am very thankful to have been present during the unfolding of the white wolf mystery. I speak for the entire council when I say we will offer our full support. The future has been looking worrisome but with this revelation I have hope." Blake said with a glimmer in her eye before continuing in a more serious tone, "Alphas, you will need to decide where your loyalties lie. There is a war coming, make no mistake. It will catch up to us. Alpha Jackson will lead the opposing side, we're sure of it."

"I think we need more information before we can make any sort of choice." One of the alphas stood up and said. The other alphas murmured in agreement.

"I am open to questions. I'm sure Miss Noel would be open to questions within reason as well." Blake replied and smiled at me. A knot turned in my stomach again. I wasn't prepared for this.

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