Chapter 21. Alpha to be?

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For the next few weeks my life mainly consisted of training, eating, and sleeping. Every morning I woke up sore, and every night I passed out from pure exhaustion. On the days that Michael wasn't training me he had to spend most of it at the pack, to not raise suspicion. He was to take over the alpha position soon. He had graduated at the end of the last school year so now his main focus was suppose to be training to become the alpha.

However, Michael would make excuses to sneak off and see me whenever he could, he also snuck out every night and climbed into bed with me. Typically I was passed out long before he came in. Brie and Brian were still staying in the pack house, but stayed over often, Brian was to be Michael's beta so he was also gone most days with Michael. Amy and Thomas were sleeping in separate rooms and still didn't seem all that friendly towards each other, how they were resisting the mating bond was beyond me.

Every morning I would wake up and take a hot shower then get dressed in some type of cool work out clothing, Michael wasn't a huge fan but it's hot out and besides I wasn't going into public like this. Once I was ready I would meet everyone for breakfast. When breakfast was done and cleaned up I helped Amy make the potion to hide my scent. She would explain the ingredients, what their purpose in the potion is, and where to find them; then quiz me on it. A week in I had it memorized and could've made it on my own.

After the potion was finished and I had it choked down, her and I would go outside to add a new layer onto the shield surrounding us. They older the layers got, the more they would start to fade. It didn't need done every day but Amy said it was good practice and would help increase my stamina.

Once we finished that I was off to training. Either witch stuff with Amy, human form with Thomas, or wolf form with either Michael or Brian. We would take a two hour break and eat lunch, then go back to training. They all impressed upon me how serious it was to be a white wolf. People would want to follow me but I needed to be strong. Others would try to use me for their own purposes or try to take me down, in either case I needed to be able to defend myself.

My escape from the prison had taken a few days to even be noticed. There were a lot of pack members injured in the attack and the Alpha was busy trying to keep the border secured. He was also calling allied packs for help. Once they realized I was gone the Alpha launched a huge search team. They spent two weeks trying to track me down before giving up. I barely saw Michael during those weeks. The alpha was furious when he had to give up. The trackers returned time and time again with no trace so he was forced to quit searching.

September was nearing, and with it Michael's 18th birthday, which meant he was to take over as Alpha. However, his father was being difficult about it. It was customary for the Alpha's heir to take over when they turned 18, that way no one stayed in power for too long. To keep the flow. If the Alpha didn't have an heir he would continue in charge until he decided to step down and appoint the next Alpha. Usually someone from his beta's line. If Alpha Alan refused to step down it would be a smack of insult in Michael's face.

When the talk of Michael's birthday came around I asked my wolf if she knew when my birthday was. Lilith had chuckled and told me it was December 25th, I was just months away from my 18th birthday! Turns out Thomas was correct about me being a Christmas baby. It was exciting for me to know my actual birthday. I felt like all the pieces of who I am finally came into place, I knew some of my history and was surrounded by people that loved me.

My training continued for weeks. The night before Michael's birthday party we all sat down for supper together. Thomas has gotten choice steaks and grilled them in honor of Michael's birthday. Amy, Brie, and I had baked a cake. Once we were finished eating we went in the living room together.

"So my party is tomorrow and I'd like it if everyone came." Michael stated with a smile, he was sitting next me me with his arms around my shoulder, pulling me close to his side.

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