Another day, 5 more deaths

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"Miss marina... You are very beautiful." The devil said in a groan.

"Ah !engh ... Ha! R-right there! Ugh!" selena moaned out.

"I think im about to-"

"Hey.....HEY!!" zar shook selena awake. Her hair was knotted and she had drool running down her chin.

"Huh? Wha- i-i'm awake!" selena scratched her head and looked at zar ,"what? Why are you staring at me like that?" selena stretched and waited for Zar's reply.

"Um well ... When i came to wake you up- because i knew you would sleep in.. I ...heard you um.. Talking in your sleep. Heh heh." Zar rubbed the back of his head and avoided eye contact with selena.

"So , what was i saying?" selena looked absolutely clueless. She didn't remember what exactly she was dreaming about because of the surprise wake up.

"Well ... um.. you weren't exactly talking , it was more like a....moan." Zar looked at selena and her face had went super red. "a-a moan? Um whaaaaaaat?? I- me? Uh ... Isn't natural for sex demons to dream about um ... Sex??" selena waited for his response.

"I-I guess so... But that's not the thing... You were moaning for the..devil...." Zar almost bursted out laughing when he saw selena's face. Her face was priceless!

"Ha ha .. Well! ... Why the hell are you in my home. Go away! I need to get ready :(" Zar gave up. He flew out the window and waved good bye. Selena waved back and then screamed in her pillow.

First victim of the day.

"H-Hello? W-Where am I?" the women said.

"Oh hello , i didn't know i was getting both genders. Hmm interesting." selena circled the women and observed her victim.
"Well , you are here for your dirty sins. Says here that you .... Molested little boys? Wow , how awful." selena shook her head and stood in front of the women. The looked as if she were on the verge of tears. She screamed," IT WASN'T MY FAULT!! MY FATHER MADE ME DO IT!! PLEASE SPARE ME!!" The women bursted in tears. Selena looked at her. She felt no pity for the women because she could have done something to stop her father... But did she? No.

"Hmm, how about we start with your torturing method? Says here you first tie up the boy , well that's already done. Then , you drug the boy. Well well well i have plenty of that stuff! Lets see here... Hmm. Ah! This will do fine.." selena takes out a needle and sucks the liquid into it. She walks over to the crying women and sticks it in her neck. The women slowly fell ...into a deep sleep...

Few hours later

"Wha-? Agh! What the hell-" The women's arms and legs were tied down to a table. She had cut marks and burns all over her body. She felt as if she were... Younger. She looked down at her body again... And sure enough , She was a little girl again. She looked around the room. It was her old bedroom of when she was six yrs old. She knew exactly what was happening.

"Hi sweetheart. Your dad went out for a bit. He told me to take care of you. So how about we play a game." The women stared at her father's brother. A tear rolled down her face... She always hated her uncle...

The clean up

"Hey selena how...did the... Torturing ..go..." Zar saw selena crying. She looked traumatized.

"Hey what's the matter?" Zar sat next to selena.

"It was a women this time... She was a molester.. But.. What i had to do for her torturing was awful.. I..." selena went silent.

Zar patted selena's back. "Sometimes we have to do what needs to be done. The women was down here for what she did to those poor children. What you did was make her realize how horrible she was to them. You only did what needed to happen selena... To be honest , i have those cases all the time. I ...sometimes don't even want to look at them for their horrible crimes. But we set things straight. We give them the medicine they deserve. So don't feel bad."  selena looked at zar and relaxed. Zar was the friend she needed. Zar understands and observes her troubles. Selena is grateful for zar and his wisdom.

4 victims later

"Ok little ones, I want this mess to be clean by dawn. I know it's a lot since i only had one the other day , but this needs to be done and dealt with. I thank you all for your work." selena walks back to her kitchen. She takes out a bottle of water.

Even though she is a demon , they still need to maintain personal needs like eat, wash themselves, brush teeth, etc.


"Huh? H-hello? Who's there?" selena poked her head out her kitchen. She didn't see anyone. She scratched her head and turned back to her kitchen. Standing there, was the devil.

End of ch

This one was kinda slow but hopefully the next ch is a lil better

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