awkward talk

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"Hello miss marina." The devil walked towards marina who was standing at the doorway of her kitchen. She was frozen in place.

"Um- uh-Hi! Um- w-what are you doing here?? Heh heh...." Selena looked down at her feet. He was very close to her now. She could feel the heat radiating off his body.

"Well, since you asked. I'm here to receive a wellness report. Normally i'd send a low-class demon to retrieve the reports, but i wanted to come in person. I hope you don't mind :)" The devil smiled.

"Uh.. What's a wellness report?"

"Oh! I forgot! Well, a wellness report is when you write how everything is going , like your job or how you are feeling. Even though half the demons don't do it or write something vulgar or immature on it. But I always win in the end and make them comply. Because i genuinely want to know." The devil looked into selena's eyes and smiled. Selena started to turn red in the face.

"U-uhm that's nice of you. Even though you are the ruler of the dead -You can have a soft spot too!" Selena backed away. He was so close to her that she could smell his cologne!

Selena was getting restless.. Is he going to make a move or~

"Miss marina? Is there -something you want to say?" He got even closer.

"I! Um- uh-"


"SELENAAA!~ I have come to hang out with the most awesome girl today!" zar shouted on the top of his lungs.

"Oh! Well looks like we have to finish this another time Lucifer- I mean devil!"

"You can call me Lucifer if it pleases you miss marina." and like that he was gone.

"Hey... Why is it so stuffy in here? Open a window or two." Zar put his snacks on the kitchen island and sat in a stool.

"Zar- what good timing you have. Phew~" selena relaxed.

"Huh? What do you mean 'what good timing i have'?" zar scratched his head.

"Well, um you see the thing is... The devil came for a wellness report-"

"PSSHH-! HE came for a wellness report?! Wow! You must be special *frowns*" Zar opens a bag of cheetos. "Soooo.. Tell me the details!"

"Huh? You.. Want to know? How odd." Selena sat next to zar. Selena told him what happened and he almost fell from his stool. The devil was a simple man. He tended to his duties, and watched the souls enter into his world. He had a wife, but she cheated on him with a low demon. He casted her into the dark void to never be seen again. He was heart broken, but he learned to forget about the unpleasant.

3 victims later......



*tap tap*

A red box fluttered from the sky and landed right in front of selena's door. She was working on her forth victim of the day and wouldn't notice until later.

"Hah! Oh my- ah! Ugh!"

"Looks like you've started to bleed. Oh how horrible.... It is not enough."


"Oh be quiet you unfortunate soul." Selena grabbed the rope wrapped around the person's neck. They groaned and clenched their teeth.

"This- ugh... Truly is hel-"

Right before they could finish their sentence selena yanked the rope.

"Who told you that you could speak my poor soul?" she twisted the rope and hung it from the ceiling. The person became very hard from the action.

"Oh! What do we have here? A kinky low-life who was a rat stealing from poor children. You know... Sometimes you can't always do what you want without consequences... That's how it has always been."

"I-" *knock knock knock*

Selena turns to the door in confusion. She could have sworn that she had told her minions "no visitors during work". She dropped the rope and headed to the door. She opened it slightly and asked, "who's there?" No one replied. She stepped out of the room and tripped over a red box.

The red box started to emit a dark aura. She flinched from such intensity.

"Is...this for me?" she picked up the with no openings and shook it. It sounded as if it were empty but weighed as if a grown man were in the box (she became way stronger as a sex demon).

"Hmmm... I'll have to look at it later." She walked back into the room and sat the red box on a shelve. She then proceeded with the torturing.

Night time

"Ugh how exhausting it is to be a demon." zar complained.

"You say it as if it were ...troubling?" selena drank from her juice. Zar and selena were on the roof of her home. He had stopped by after working hours and grabbed a few snacks from demon quarters (that's where they get supplies)

*sluuuurp*"So!... You excited to go to the ball with mister mystery?" Zar raised his eyebrows

"Mister Oh! You m-mean-" Selena blushed ferociously. Zar had kept picking at her ever since she told him. He couldn't help but ask over and over who she was going with.

"I feel like he's got a big one ya know?" selena looked at zar blankly.

"Bi- Oh you pervert!" selena slapped zar's arm.

"Ow! ow owey that hurt TT"

"well! Don't go saying embarrassing things! You- you perv..." selena looked away.

"Well, don't set yourself up for failure :) you know how i am, PROUD TO BE ME." zar puffed his chest out and gave a all might pose. Selena laughed and smiled at her goofy- perverted friend. She was happy to be here even if the place she was happy was hell. She had almost forgotten her life back in the human realm. She almost had forgotten-



"What the fu-??" Zar held selena behind him. She was injured from the blast but not badly. Zar told selena to stay while he go investigate the blast. It was horrible. Bricks scattered across the lawn and blood. Lots of blood.

She became impatient with how long zar took. She went after him and search the gaping hole on the side of her home. There was fire. So much fire.

She leaped down to the second floor and called out for zar. He didn't respond. She coughed hard from the smoke. She could barely see a thing until... She saw a figure in the smoke. It had to Zar-

"Ugh- Let- *cough* let go" It was zar's voice.

Someone had zar in the clutches of their hand. Selena hid behind a wall and looked at the figure. It was choking him. She was confused, How can such a thing happen...will he .... Die?

" Where she is." the thing spoke in a deep howl.

"I- will never tell you-! UGH!" The thing gripped harder on his throat. It was killing him somehow. Selena watched in fear. How could such a thing appear almost out of thin air?

...wait.. The box!

It made sense now! There were no minions around to alert a box and shown up, and there was no one there to give it.. It must have been in there, waiting for the right moment to attack. Selena was mad. She wasn't going to let some thing destroy something important to her.

She grabbed a rope laying on the ground and snuck up behind it. She quickly wrapped it around it's neck and pulled as hard as she could. It didn't even flinch. The thing grabbed the rope around it's neck and tug it towards it. She immediately was pulled with such powerful force. It started to chuckle.

"There she is."

End of chapter!!

... No excuses... I have been lazy :(

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