Chapter 4 : The Past

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"Hey, stop feeding me too much chips! My mouth doesn't fit!" I complained.

I'm here sitting beside Y/N eating chips together.

This Y/N guy is pretty sweet. We got close right away. I just met him about an hour ago but it feels like we've been friends for years. He's caring and has his own charm.

Although he brings back memories that I had back then, when I was a child. Everything of him is so familiar.


It's a holiday in Busan. There's not much thing I do, I'm just laying my back on my lovely bed, playing with my favourite doll.

Suddenly I saw a truck with a lot of stuff on it from a window in my room. A new family has moved in. I don't know why but I got so excited to meet them. I know they're strangers, but my family always greets anyone who're new to the town. Especially new neighbors.

After seeing them finished arranging their stuff, me and my family decides to visit them. The family has 4 members. One of them was a boy. He is my age. And he has a sister. Me and my family introduces ourselves to them.

"Hi there! May I know who you are?" I said greeting the boy happily.

"Hey! My name is Lee Kwangsoo. We're from Apgujeong! Your name is...?"

"I'm Yuna, Shin Yuna. Can we be friends?"

"Of course! Let's be friends forever!" He raised his pinky finger.


We made a pinky promise and we're friends since then. We grew up together, entered the same school, we even share homework sometimes.


His home is empty. Like, there's no one in there. It's almost a week. He's absent from school. He's not home when I call him to play at the park. He's not there, all the time.

I'm wondering where is he? And his family?

I went back home feeling sad and lonely.

Suddenly a neighbor came to our house to meet my parents. They talked a lot until I heard them talking about Kwangsoo and his family.

"Hey, you know that family who moved in to that house six years ago? Their house is empty all the time now. I have no clue why." My mom said to them.

"Didn't they got hit by a truck while having their family time? That's what we know anyway..."


It's not possible...

It can't be...

Kwangsoo is...



I was very heartbroken. This can't be happening. I know they're gone for almost a week, but they can't be dead.
I ran outside to the front of his house crying his name.


I cried in front of his house until my mom ran from home to take me back home.


"Forget the past, we have a future to work on."

Y/N's words are true. I can't be stuck with the past. I have to move on.

But Y/N himself is pretty much another Kwangsoo. He's VERY familiar.

"Hm? Oh no..." Y/N suddenly spoke up.

"What? What is it?"

"All the chips are gone..."

"Heheh I guess we both are hungry."

"You ate most of it Yuna, you're the one that's hungry." He blames me.

"What? No! YOU ate more."

"Hahahah yeah yeah... Is not you or me. It's US."

Why do I feel like he's teasing me? He's so cheezy and I like him when he did. Not a lot of guys actually interested in me... So... I think he did?

Wait, what?

My mind fought with itself.

"Yuna yah..." He called me.


"Are you still sad about your past?"

"It's your fault Y/N."

"What? Why?"

"You're so similiar to him. Even when the first time I saw you I already remembered everything of him."

"Well... Sorry... Not much I can do with it..." He looked so worried.

"Hey don't be like that. Here, wanna see me smile? Here, I'm smiling, see?"

"Ahh you little angel..." We laughed together.

He called me "Little Angel".

I loved it when he said that. I think I'm blushing.

Am I...

Falling into him...?



Well this was a bit late I guess... 😅

But at least I still managed to update...

Also, new cover! I hope you all like it!

Anyways, stay tuned for the next one!

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