Chapter 10 : Reciprocating

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The Chinese class is over and Ms. Tzuyu already left our class. Y/N was right, the lesson hasn't start. We only talked about how our holiday goes.

So according to the schedule, now should be the English class. But I don't see any teacher coming. I guess it's free time now.

"Yuna, can you come with me at recess time?"

"Ok, Where?"


"Huh...? What is it?"

"We had a thing to talk about."

Why is Y/N acting weird in a sudden?

"You seemed so serious, is it a serious problem?"


Y/N is scary right now. He looks so stern. I thought he was kidding but he has no expression at all. He changed a lot even though we just talked about nothing serious.

"Can't we just talk about it now? Why are we waiting for recess time?"


"Why Y/N? What's wrong? Is it about your family?"


"Is it about school?"


"Is it... Me...?"


"Y/N please, this is not-"

"Nevermind. It's nothing." He cuts me off.

This is wrong. This is not Y/N. There HAS to be something wrong. But I don't think he wanted to talk about it anymore. I felt guilt in my heart because I annoyed him.

"Y/N... Sorry... If... I annoyed you..."

He has fallen silent, looking down with his eyes closed. I can see his hands are forming fists on the table.

His whole body is shaking.

I can't do anything, he looks so angry.

Y/N, what is happening???

Suddenly he stops. His body stops shaking, his hands releases the fists away.

He let out a big sigh with his mouth still shut...

After a while I noticed that his eyes are dropping tears.

He's crying silently.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" I said patting his back.


"Stop it, Y/N, you're making me really worried..."




I have no other choice.
















I hugged him from the side...


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