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I kinda regret not taking the money, but I wasn't gonna stoop that low. Call me prideful, but I refuse to let myself look weak, especially in front of a nigga with money and respect. I put my outfits in a duffle and did my makeup. It's been 3 days since my failed robber and tonight was my second night at the strip club. I'm doing fairly good. I got $300 yesterday. If I keep it around that amount every night I should have a good amount of money to give to Miguel. All my bills paid off plus strippers eat free at the strip club. I just buy myself Mc Donald's for a brunch. And I survive. I'm gonna try stealing from customers too. I seems pretty easy but I don't wanna start doing that to early and lose my respect before I even gain it.
Roddy hasn't hit me up, and I haven't hit him up. I'm kinda mad still. Not only did I somehow fail, but he had the nerve to hold up some money and taunt me like that. Tryna act like he genuine or something. I see right through him. The main thing my dad always taught me was never trust no nigga. He did, and now he locked up, so it's not dumb advice. I miss him. I should visit him tomorrow morning. I'm sure he's worried about mom. I am too. I'm trying to distract myself from it, but it hurts. She could be dead, sex trafficked. But I'm mostly trying to distract myself from the fact that's it's neither of those things. She ran away and let her daughter take the L. Plain and simple. I never was the favorite child. My moms a narcissist so if course she's gonna love the child that emulates her the most. My sister. But in all honesty, it never bothered me. They were both ignorant fish brains to me anyways. My dad and I are the only real niggas in the family. 
I locked up the house and walked over to the strip club. It was only like two blocks away. It wasn't to busy but there were about 10 customers. I went into the back and paid the house mom $50 and got changed into my skimpy outfit and heels. I started giving lap dances all night. I got two private rooms which got me $200 each plus what I got on the floor and from the pole I got in total $573. Perfect. $23 for food tomorrow. $50 for house. $500 for the dealer.

Next morning

I got up and got ready to go and see my dad.
I didn't eat breakfast because I could only afford 1 big a day from McDonald's and I preferred to have it at lunch.

At the jail
S-hey pops
D- hey darling. How are you?
S- Im good. What about you?
D- you know, same old.
My dad was serving life in this really small jail. There was only like 18-20 dudes there in total, so there wasn't much drama. Plus my dad was old, nobody cared about what he got going on.
D- any word on mama?
S- nope
D- damn
S- hey dad, mom owed this guy Miguel some money. You don't think she skipped town do you?
D- hmmmm. Honey I really wanna say no, but we both know she runs from her responsibilities. Why do you think she got addicted to crack in the first place.
I love my dad so much. He was so gentle and calm. He was never violent. He was in on scamming and money laundering charges. He got caught up doing the wrong thing for the right reason. I always respected how honest he was with me, even in difficult situations.
D- how much does she owe?
S- $4000, but I told him $4500 to prevent him from tryna come at me with any additional charges, like you taught me dad.
D- Jesus $4000. Good job with the $4500. Sometimes it's worth paying more in the long run. It keeps you out of funny business you don't belong in. My smart girl.
S- thank you dad
Guard- 1 more minute! Wrap it up!
D- How you gonna pay it?
S- I got the bills paid before I found out thank god. So I'm working a couple jobs, and everything from that I a can pay him with.
D- good girl. Be safe my darling I love you.
S- I love you more
I attempted to wave but he was already being pulled away by the guards. It broke heart seeing him like that. All he wanted was to feed his family. He was stealing from rich people who didn't need the money. But there's nothing I can do. A law is a law. I walked over to McDonald's and got my food. I had about $5 left over that I could save and buy some different food from like the dollar store or something. I ate my food, went to work. Same old, same old.

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