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Ima day this ahead of time, I have nothing against Roddys Girlfriend Allie. I love them together. Everything I write is for storyline purposes only.

Roddy POV

That bitch ass nigga was holding a gun to her head. She didn't move, didn't say anything. Although, what could she really say with a gun to her head. Before he could shoot her I caught his attention.
R- AYE! Lemme pay for her! How much owe!
The both looked at me. He had this disgusting grin on his face. She still looked a little shocked.
S- R-Roddy you don't have to. Just leave.
I could hear her voice cracking. Her eyes started to water.
R- how much she owe? $5000?
I pulled out a big thing of cash.
M- yea $5000.
I gave him $10,000. I ain't want that nigga to try some funny shit and rob me too, so I gave him a lot.
M- hmmm $10,000. Thanks.
He smiled and walked off. His teeth were black. What type of drugs that nigga on?
Sofia just sat in the corner. She looked like she was in shock. I called her but she didn't respond. I shook her a bit and got her attention.
R- you good?
S- wh- what just happened?
I just picked her up.
R- where's all your stuff at? We're leaving.
S- locker room
She got her stuff and we all left. She went home with me, without any complaint. She was shaking. She was still in her little outfit and heels. I took my jacket off and had her out it on, then I put my arm around her and had her cuddle up next to me. She eventually fell asleep.

Sofia POV

Wtf just happened. I'm still in shock. Damn Roddy saved me. I don't know where we were going. His house Im assuming. I'm not gonna lie he smells really good. Like nice, quality cologne. I can feel myself drifting off. My body was floating away. What is happening? I almost died. I was seconds away from not existing anymore. From finding out what really happens when we die. Where do we go? Endless possibilities. My debt is paid off to Miguel, but now I owe Roddy. $10,000. How does this keep happening. It should be easier to pay him though, cause he probably won't be demanding for it in 3 weeks. He gets his own money, he's not dependent on street money. And after that, what do I do then? I really am gonna be alone for the rest of my life. I'm 18 and my life's already a waste. I can't leave LA, this is where my dad is. Plus where would I even go? Where I'm even is my mom? Probably with my sister. Actually, I'm done caring about her. She let her daughter deal with this bullshit and almost die for her mistakes. She's selfish. Most people would start a family and get married and shit but I don't want that. I've never even been in a relationship. I've never cared about having one. My whole life I've been focused on surviving and getting money. I've never felt love. I kinda wonder what it feels like now. There are so many things in life that I never experienced. I always tell myself that it's useless and that I don't care about those things, but I'm starting to think I care more than I think.
Im slowly drifting. My thoughts are blurry. I can feel my body going back to a time when life was good. When I had my family. When we were all ok.

Roddy POV

I don't know why but I am so intrigued by this girl. She really is beautiful. She's different, I can tell. I really want to get to know her but she playing. But I did just save her so maybe she'll give me a chance.
We pulled up to my new mansion. ( not the same mansion he threw the party ) I picked her up and carried her inside. Thank god Allie isn't home. Im still with her, even though we lost the connection a while ago I been tryna make it work. I don't know what happened. I got famous and she started acting like a fan. It sucks cause I thought she was the one but I guess not.
I carried her up to my room and laid her on the bed. She looked really pretty. Even with her smudged makeup and crazy outfit, she still looked beautiful. I went and took a shower and when I got out she was awake. But before I could say anything a familiar person slammed open the door and started yelling.

Sofia POV

I woke up in someone's bed. The room was not like the other one. It was bigger, so was the bed. Everything was so boujie and nicer. I guess where the threw the party was their trap mansion lmao. I took off my heels and went I to my duffle and grabbed my spare sweat pants and tube top. I heard someone In the shower, might be Roddy. I quickly changed and left the room for a second. The house was really nice, and surprisingly well furnished and clean. I expected a lot worse from a rapper. I went back in the room and laid down. Roddy stepped out another door wearing grey sweats and no shirt. Oh he has abs. Good to know hehe. He was lookin mighty fine not gon lie but I kept my cool. All of a sudden this bitch burst in the room screaming.
Ok who this bitch calling a hoe.
R- nah bae it's not like that, we aren't fucking. Let me explain.
Tbh I could say a lot to her but i kinda feel bad for her. Her man tryna get to know me and shit behind her back. But we ain't really do nothing either. I wanna say sum but idk. I feel for her. This looks bad. But he just saved me. Wether his intentions were to sleep with me, I wouldn't let it go that far. But how we gon explain this without making Roddy look like he was tryna get sum before all the shit with Miguel went down.
S- look we not fucking. In fact I tried to rob him, and instead of being angry he listened to my problems and helped me. He saw me at my work and said hi but this dude I owed money to was about to kill me and Roddy paid him off for me and saved my life. But I passed out from the stress so he took me here. Girl that's it.
Close enough to the truth.
A- mhm ok. Ima ask everybody else. There better have the same story as y'all.
R- go ahead
She left me and Roddy alone in the room while she made a whole scene outside yelling at everybody.
S- so you tryna get to know me at the club and shit but you got a whole girl friend. Shit don't add up Roddy.
R- yo I'm sorry about her. She was supposed to be out of town. I-
S- and what if she wasn't out of town Roddy? What did you think would happen? What were you tryna pull?
He looked down for a moment. I can't believe I almost gave him a chance.
R- you can leave if you want. I'll have bird give you a ride home, but please stay. I promise things will get better I just need to get rid of this girl.
S- don't break up with her for me. I won't be around much longer.
R- it's not cause of you. The connection was lost a long time ago. She started acting like a fan. It went from asking to cuddle to asking for money.
He walked out. I heard a bit of talking. Then she started screaming at the top of her lungs. Non stop cussing that boy out. I'm starting to feel bad for him now. I kinda want to go home, but I'm so exhausted. Not gon lie but there's this thing in my gut telling me to stay. I just laid back down and played on my phone.
Roddys girl bust in the room again with a suitcase packing all her shit. She didn't even address me. She left and I heard roddy and bird arguing downstairs. I paid it no mind. I fell asleep playing on my phone.

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