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I've made a plan on what the conflicts are going to look like and I'm honestly excited to see where it's going to go. I've combined some and I've used almost all of the suggestions so the story is gonna get juicy soon. Thank you all for the suggestions!

It was a few days after the incident at the convenience store. Charlie, Vaggie, and Husk have been super protective of me. Whenever I am about to leave for a soul pickup or to just go for a walk they always have to know where I'm going and when I'll be back. Nobody told me that friendships were gonna be so exhausting.

The bruise was still as bad as ever but it's slowly going away. The vein looking things were extended from my jawline to my collarbone and the bruise was still black, blue orange, yellow, and whatever other color you can think of. I changed my shirt to a turtleneck type shirt. It was just like my old one except this one reached the middle of my neck. It helped hide it a little but not by much. It was still very noticeable and it hurt like a bitch.

Anyway I was welcoming a guest in with my fake smile like always until Charlie came running in.

"MEETING! STAFF MEETING!" She yelled at the top of her lungs.

The guest jumped. I apologized then handed her the keys to her room and told her where to go. She nodded and left.

I walked to the small conference room that I didn't know was there. I saw all if the staff go in there so that must be where they go for meetings. I mentally shrugged and opened the door.


"So I've decided. How about we do an event to maybe draw guests in? Make more money for renovations and such." Charlie explained. She held a serious face but it looked like she was trying desperately to keep her excitement down.

"An event?" Vaggie asked. Her face turned from one of confusion to realization once Charlie's serious demeanor broke. "Oh no." She facepalmed.

"YES!!! I was thinking maybe an event like-" she started but Vaggie cut her off.

"You want to do a concert type thing don't you?" Vaggie said.

"Yep! Oooh this is gonna be so funnn!!" Charlie jumped around.

"Okay but who do you want to sing? With how much money we have right now we can't hire anyone." Vaggie stated.

"Us of course! We will sing! All of us!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Ohoho nonono. I ain't singin shit." Husk stated.

Angel, Vaggie, and I nodded our heads in agreement. It kinda surprised me than Angel agreed.

"Oh come onnn!" Charlie pouted "it's for the hotel! We need the money."

"There is a lot more ways to make money Charlie." I stated.

"So? This way is fun!" She exclaimed.

"I'd be happy to sing!" Alastor exclaimed.

"See?! Al gets it!" Charlie said pointing to the deer demon.

"Okay fine but only if we get three people to preform then I guess I'll let it happen." Vaggie said.

"Great! So I'll sing and Al will sing...who else wants to?" Charlie asked.


"Come on guyss!" Charlie begged.

It was still silent. I started feeling guilty so I tentatively rose my hand.

"Fine...I'll do it." I grumbled looking away.

"YES!! Thats three people!!" Charlie exclaimed jumping around like a giddy child.

I sighed and everyone who wasn't preforming left the conference room except for Vaggie.

"So. We need to choose songs we'll sing."

After a long discussion on what songs we'll sing I ended up with the song Lay Me Down by Sam Smith and playing piano along with it.

I walked outside and sat at the bar with my head down.

"If you didn't want to sing why'd you volunteer?" A grumbly voice asked from behind the bar.

I peeked up at Husk and answered "I felt guilty."

"Guilty? Why the fuck would you feel guilty?" He asked.

"I dunno. Charlie just seemed so set on this. She was so excited. I thought I'd make her happy if I agreed." I explained.

"Hm." Husk hummed.

After that small conversation we went on with our day and Charlie announced the date of the concert which was three days from now.

*Ima just write your performance because I'm lazy like that.

Stay Tuned~

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