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The next day I woke up like normal, doing my morning routine then walking down to the dining room to eat breakfast with everyone.

"So y/n. I've gotta know, have you ever been in a relationship?" Angel asked digging into his waffles.

"What kind?" I asked.

"Like the lovey dovey type you know?" He clarified.

"Oh...well I've never really thought about that." I replied looking down in thought.

"Have you ever even felt anything towards anyone like that?" He asked.

"Well...I don't know. If I did then I wouldn't know." I replied. "Why?"

"Oh, just akin'." He replied.

I gave a confused look then turned back to my waffles.

"So you've never been in love?" Charlie asked.

"I guess not." I replied looking up from my waffles.

"How long have you been alive?" She asked.

"Lost count." I replied.

"And you've never felt any sort of love feeling towards anyone?" She asked.

"No. I never had the time." I responded starting to get sort of annoyed. "How would I even know?" I asked.

"How do you feel when I do this?" Angel said putting his hand on my leg.

"Uncomfortable. Very uncomfortable." I bluntly responded.

"Hmph." Angel withdrew his hand. "Fine." He looked away.

"Why do you guys even want to know?" I asked ignoring the obvious aura of rage coming from the Husk across from me. He was glaring at Angel for some reason. Angel probably annoyed him this morning or something.

"Just curious." Angel said smirking at the angry Husk from across the table.

I noticed Vaggie and Charlie smirking too.

"...okay.." I said still confused.

I gave some of my waffle to Ani.

The day went on but it was different from the other days. Charlie, Angel, and Alastor have been a lot more...touchy feely than usual.


"Hey y/n!" Charlie said cutting my conversation off with Husk as she threw her arm around my waist and laid her head in my shoulder.

"Oh. Hey Charlie." I responded confused and slightly uncomfortable.

I felt my face heat up a slight bit from this.

"How've you been today?" She asked sweetly.

"Uhh...fine. Im fine. What...what about you?" I asked still very confused.

Little did I know a certain cat demon was seething behind the counter glaring harshly at Charlie.

Charlie smirked as she looked to Husk. "I've been okay." She said letting me go much to my relief. "I gotta go now. Bye y/n!!" She left.

"What was that about?" I asked turning to Husk only to see him glaring at the hall where Charlie left through.

I was far to confused so I decided to leave to clean some tables.


I was cleaning some tables when Alastor came up to me.

"Y/n dear! Could you help me with this?" Alastor called from the middle of the room.

We asked him to change a few lightbulbs on the chandelier because he was taller than any of us. He still had to use a latter yes but he still couldn't reach.

"Oh uh okay." I responded walking over to him. I placed my rag on the bar and smiled at Husk who was cleaning glasses. He nodded back.

"Come." Alastor beckoned.

I complied and walked closer.

Suddenly I could feel long arms snake around my waist and lift me up. I grunted a little and shifted uncomfortably. My face heated up once again. Alastor started climbing the latter with me in his arms as he handed me a light bulb.

"Just screw that in right there sweet." He instructed.

I obeyed and screwed the light bulb in as quickly as possible wanting to get out of this situation. Not only did it feel awkward but I could feel the tension between Husk and Alastor.

Al climbed down the latter and put me down.

"Perfect! Thank you my dear." Alastor flashed me a smile then smirked towards a grumbling Husk.

"You're uh...you're welcome." I said then went back to cleaning the tables and sweeping the floors clearly still confused.

I didn't like the physical contact but it still sent blood rushing to my cheeks and Husk seemed considerably more grumpy today. Weird.

Angels POV

I ship y/n and Husky so hard. I just want to get them together already and it's taking a lot longer than I originally thought. It's so boriingg so I decided I needed a little help.

I asked Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor to help me make Husk jealous. They all agreed. Much to my surprise Alastor didn't ask any questions and agreed.

I tested Husk this morning and I got a great result. He seemed to get jealous very easily so I told them the plan and they all agreed.

It's the end of the day now and I can clearly see our little Husky is visibly jealous and pissed off. One step closer to getting my ship to sail!

*suggestion from @KingdomPoppy Thank you for the suggestion!! I'll try to add more jealous Husk scenes in the future. Sorry if this chapter is a bit cringe lmao.

Stay Tuned~

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