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It has been a few days since that 'midnight at the bar' incident. Husk and I have basically avoided each other since. Especially the way we woke up. That was what made it so awkward!


My eyes fluttered open. Where...where am I? This doesn't look like my trusty black ceiling in the hotel. In fact it's rather...bright? Like a light shining right in my eyes.

I felt something tighten around my waist. Confused, I blinked away the morning blur in my vision and inspected what was holding me.

Instead of finding out what exactly was squeezing me (Not that I mind. It was rather comfortable.) I got a face full of soft fluff. Not a moment after, the memories from last night hit me like a brick.

Now knowing what exactly it holding on to me, my face flushes a deep crimson.


It's Husk.

The grumpy cat-bird demon that I've gotten to know over these past few months.

He was gripping me like his life depended on it.

I sat completely still. Too shocked to do anything.

Suddenly I heard a groan. Husk began to stir. I covered my face with my hands. I felt his head lift itself from my neck.

"What the..." I heard his voice grumble.

There was a moment of silence.

"Oh Jesus fucking Christ." After he said that, I felt his warmth leave me in a hurry.

I felt...disappointed? No that can't be right. I should feel relieved. I mentally shake that thought away after I hear a thump and a groan. My legs were slightly yanked away then it went silent.

He must have gotten stuck on my legs considering they were intertwined with his. I groan, my hands never leaving my face, and roll onto my side.

This is gonna be so awkward.

-Flashback End-

I sigh and continue mopping the floors. I have gotten a lot better over the past few days and my injuries are healing rather quickly.

Wiping my forehead of invisible sweat, I put the mop back in the bucket and roll it to the kitchen. I dump out the dirty water and rinse the sink and dishes.

I hear the kitchen door open. As I look back to see who entered the kitchen I accidentally cut my hand on the knife I was cleaning.

"Agh." I hiss quietly.

"Oh fuck. Hold on." I hear a familiar grumble from behind me making my face flush.

'Why am I blushing? This is stupid.' I shake my head and focus on stopping the bleeding.

A moment later I feel someone coming up behind me.

"Here. Just uh hold that or something. I'll ask Charlie for bandages." He mumbles.

I mumble a small 'thanks' and hold pressure on the cut.

A few minutes later I hear footsteps rapidly approaching and the door being slammed open.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Charlie's voice. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"Y-Yea I'm fine. Been through worse. A few bandages would be helpful though." I say as she comes to a halt beside me.

"Yea. I got them right here. Let me see." She orders.

I turn to her and remove the paper towel.

"You gotta stop hurting yourself (y/n)." She says as she leans my wound.

I hiss at the stinging pain. "Yea yea. Sorry Charlie." I apologize.

After a bit she finishes. I look around and frown when I see that Husk is nowhere in sight.

"Where'd Husk go?" I ask.

"Oh he went back to the bar after he told me you were injured." She says as she cleans up the mess.

I sigh.

"Why?" She asks.

"I have something I need to talk about with him." I say.

I really do need to talk to him about this. We can't avoid each other forever.

"Oh? Did something happen?" She asks sparing me a side glance.

"Yea..." my face flushes and I turn my head away from her. "...b-but I don't really wanna talk about it."

I can basically feel her smirk.

"Okay. I won't pry." She says.

"Thanks." I mumble.

I start walking out the door and heading towards the bar. 'Here goes nothing.'

* I am super sorry it took so long but here ya go!

Stay Tuned~

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