Chapter 22: Breaking the Promise

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Days have passed and tomorrow will be the big event. My wedding day. I looked outside my window and saw how happy everyone was. They were happy cause they finally had the peace they wanted.

I sighed to myself and looked at the mirror. I was looking so beautiful, but I don't feel like myself. I feel like something bad is waiting for me.

Knock knock

"Come in!" I shouted. The door opened, revealing the Queen. I haven't seen her ever since the last time we talked. "Why are you here?" I asked coldly, not really liking her presence. "I wanted to say Thank you, but your attitude made me change my mind." She replied with hatred. "Is that my problem? If you have nothing more to say, then please get out." I viciously said.

"I... Nevermind.." She went out and mumbled a 'thank you' before leaving. A maid then came in and told me that I am about to meet him. I nodded and went after her with other maids fixing my dress.


I walked down the aisle and everything seems perfect. Everyone was so happy, but I wasn't. Shouldn't I be happy that I will be marrying him? The man waiting for me in the end of the aisle. The man with a perfect smile on his face. The man who stole my heart. The man I want to spend the rest of my life with, but is he really that man? No. I don't think so.


Jungkook and I did the ritual. After the ritual, we both bowed to each other on our knees and we also bowed down to our people. Everyone clapped and hailed when the minister presented us. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" The kingdom chanted. Jungkook slowly leaned in and placed his thumb on my lips before kissing it, making it look like we actually kissed.

When he backed away, I thanked him softly. At least he still has a little respect to me. He nodded and we both faced our Kingdom. Everyone clapped and cheered for the both of us while I forced a smile and waved at them.


"Long live the Vampires!" They all chanted as our carriage pass by them. All of them admired the both of us. When we arrived at the palace, a surprise were waiting for us. Everyone whom I knew were there. I ran out of the carriage and hugged everyone one by one.

"Spend with your time with then while they are still here." Jungkook spoke from behind. I looked at him confusedly. "It will be a long time before you will see them again. You will be the Queen to this Kingdom, remember?" He said before leaving.

I looked at my feet sadly. "Hey, everything will be okay again soon. Do not worry, the curse will not last long." Uncle assured me. I heaved a deep breath and smiled at him. I spent all the time I had left with them, until it was time for them to go. I sent them all back home after hugging them.

Seeing them leave was painful, but I knew that it was for the better. "It's getting cold, Your Highness. Please go in, King Jungkook is waiting for you in the dining room." A maid placed at warm coat on me and lead me to the dining room where I saw Jungkook sitting in the middle of the long table.

I sat beside him and started eating the food that was served. "Starting tomorrow, I'll be showing you around the Kingdom. Is that okay for you?" I nodded as I wasn't really in the mood to talk to him. Suddenly, I was aggressively grabbed by my cheeks and was forced to face him. His eyes felt so cold as he stared at me. "I need words, Queen." He clenched his jaw.

I yanked his hands off me and stood up. "It is okay for me, King." I spat angrily. As I was about to leave, he stood up too and grabbed me by my wrist. "Don't you dare use that tone on me." He transformed into his vampire form. When I saw that, I did the same. I tried to punch him but he dodged it then held my arm. He pinned me on the wall in a blink and leaned in.

When he was so close, I turned my face to my side and hoped for him to move away. The next thing that happened shocked me.

He marked me on my neck.


My first night on the palace with him was a nightmare. I never wanted to see him again when he did that. Actually, until now, I can still remember the smirk he had on his face when he leaned back. It's been three months since that night. Jungkook and I don't really talk much anymore, we also only see each other at the dining room. Thankfully we still didn't do anything... Ummm.. You know .

I was roaming around the halls when I decided to go to his office and talk to him about visiting South Vlode. When I entered after knocking, he wasn't in his office. So I decided to look around at his office, I mean I'm the Queen now, that gives me a little bit right to do it, right?

I sat on his chair and started opening some drawers. The last drawer that I opened was filled of letters. I took some of them and saw that it was from uncle and it was sent a month ago. I opened it in a rush and read the notes.

King Jeon Jungkook,

I am writing this letter to ask you for your mercy. Please let my people go and stop torturing them. They did nothing wrong and didn't deserve any of this.

I am begging you to please let us go. Let the innocent ones go, especially the children who are now crying in pain because of the death of their parents.

Please, King.

Dear Y/n,

He broke his promise.

Words : 1008


This was kind of a rush so please forgive me.

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