Chapter 4

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"Love is like a beautiful flower which I may not touch, but whose fragrance makes the garden a place of delight just the same"

"I missed you" Emilia said as Embry pulled her into a tight embrace.

"I missed you too, Lia" he replied.

As time passed, Emilia visited Forks more often. At first, she didn't understand what pulled her there so much but as she went more often, she knew it was because of Embry.

Embry, the same guy who had kept his promise of waiting at their spot for her.

The second time she visited, the two exchanged numbers and now all their time was spent either texting or hanging out. Emilia loved it. She loved how Embry made her feel.

Eventually, the two understood that their relationship was more than just a friendship. Friends didn't act the way they did. Friends didn't cuddle the way they did. And friends didn't kiss the way they did.

Emilia kissed Embry deeply, giggling as he tickled her sides.

"Em, stop!" She exclaimed as he laughed with her. He couldn't help it, he adored hearing her laugh.


The two fell to the ground in fits of giggles, her landing on top of him. They both stopped laughing, him tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. They leaned in until their lips touched and the world around them stopped. In that moment, it was just Emilia and Embry, not Emilia Cullen and Embry Call.

"I have something to tell you" he breathed out as she pulled away, staring into his eyes. They sat up, her tilting her head in confusion.

"What is it?" Emilia assumed that Embry was finally going to tell her that he was a wolf but didn't want to jump ahead.

"Turn around" she did as he asked and heard some movement and then, quiet.

She felt something nudge her hip and she turned, seeing a giant wolf before her. It's eyes though, were Embry's eyes, the eyes she had falling for.


The wolf nodded and she pet his head, him nuzzling into her hand.

"Can I tell you something?"

Another nod.

"I knew you were a wolf from the day we met"

The wolf backed up with wide eyes. Emilia took the chance to turn back around and after a minute, heard Embry's voice.

"How? Why didn't you tell me?"

Emilia sighed and sat at the cliff's edge, staring out into the water. She felt Embry sit next to her, his arm pulling her into his chest.

"What's wrong?" He muttered as she turned to look at him.

"I'm a Cullen. The Cullen's adopted me when I was born because I was born with powers. My mother was some type of magical and had to give me up because of it."

Embry stilled. "Is that how you know Sam?"

Emilia turned to look at him. "How did you- how did you know?!"

"The day after we met, the guys and I saw you leave Sam's. I just didn't say anything"

Emilia hit Embry's shoulder as he laughed. "Guess we both are liars, huh?"

"Promise to never keep another secret from each other?"

"Promise" the two linked pinkies and laughed at the childish action.

"There's something else." Embry looked down, visibly nervous.

"What can be weirder than you turning into a giant dog?" Emilia joked.

He smiled slightly. "Lia, there's this thing wolves do. It's called imprinting."

"What does it do?"

"It's when you find your soulmate. Your world revolves around them and nothing else matters. You can be their friend, protector, brother, or lover, anything they want you to be. All that's important is their happiness"

"And I'm your imprint?"

Embry nodded, staring at Emilia nervously. Suddenly, she kissed him again.

"I love you, Embry Call"

He smiled widely, picking her up and twirling her around. "I love you too, Emilia Cullen"

After he set her down and they kissed again, Embry pulled away, hearing distant howling.

He frowned. "I have to go"

Emilia grabbed his arm. "What's happening?"

"Bella is at Jacob's" he said, seemingly concentrating on his thoughts.


"And she's not leaving"

Emilia rolled her eyes. There goes Bella, starting drama again.

"Go, but be safe."

"I always am." The two shared another kiss before going their separate ways. Emilia stopped, pressing her fingers to her lips.

She and Embry were soulmates


Embry watched as Jake and Bella left, suddenly feeling bad for the pair. Bella belonged with Edward, that much he knew. Jacob didn't realize that they didn't belong together, that somewhere his other half waited for him.

He grinned as he thought of his own imprint and how lucky he was to have her. There was no awkward love triangle, no using the other as a distraction. It was pure, true love. A love like Sam and Emily's or Jared and Kim's. They belonged together.

The only problem was their backgrounds. Embry was a wolf and she lived with vampires! It would he hard for them, that he knew. Her family might not accept him. From what Emilia had previously told him, her family was already suspicious and she had to lie as they were rather overprotective.

Also, Paul might consider her a threat. Sam seemed quite fond of the girl though, so maybe the pack would accept her.

Either way, they were from two different worlds. Worlds that if collided, would maybe end in war.

"Embry!" Jared shouted making the boy jump in his seat.

"What do you want, Jared?"

"Man, what's been up with you? It's almost like you imprinted." Paul commented making Embry still.

"Me? Imprint? On who?" Jared and Paul laughed making Embry relax again.

"Dude, calm down. It's just a joke" Paul reassured Embry who awkwardly laughed with them.

Sam though had noticed Embry's reaction and he knew. He knew Embry had imprinted.

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