Chapter 27

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"If you're going through hell, keep going"

"If you're going through hell, keep going"

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The next 24 hours were a blur for Emilia.

Preparations for Bella's transformation began, all women in the Cullen household cleaning her up and washing her pale skin. They changed her into a bodycon deep purple dress. Edward was at first in doubt about her waking up but his mind soon changed as her heartbeat changed.

Emilia and Leah made the decision to leave Forks. Jacob had decided to stay, not only for Bella but for Renesmee. Emilia wanted to leave, look for clues on her parents. Leah, once hearing about Emilia's plan, decided to go with her. Leah just wanted to get away, even if it was just for a while.

Emilia was not planning on leaving forever as there was still a chance for she and Embry. They were soulmates after all. They planned to come back at the most before Christmas. They just needed to get away from Forks and love and pity. It was too painful to stay following the events of the past two weeks.

Both girls needed some time off, time away from everything. Both had suffered as a result of imprinting and just wanted a break. Leah was grateful to Emma for agreeing to bring her along on the trip and was willing to help in the search.

Emilia threw her shoes into her biggest suitcase, organizing them before closing the case, setting it down next to her backpack. She set aside her passport as well, making sure to slide her plane ticket inside.

She turned to Leah who was lounging on her bed, ready to head to her own home on the Rez to pack. "You done?"

Emma nodded, grabbing her car keys. "I'm finally done."

"Then let's get out of here." Leah jumped up, adjusting her shirt. The duo headed to Emilia's mercedes, taking off towards the rez.

They pulled up before the familiar red home where Sue Clearwater currently resided, taking care of Billy. Since Jacob left, the older man had been completely alone since the pack was against his son and he was against them.

Emma knocked on the door, Sue opening it with a smile. "Leah! Emilia! Thank god you're okay!" She pulled both girls into a hug.

"We're good, mom. I just need to get some clothes. Emma and I are going on a trip."

Sue frowned, her face falling at her daughter's words. "You're leaving so soon? Why? How long?"

"We just need a vacation, Mom. Especially me." Leah explained.

"We won't be gone forever, Sue. We'll be back before Christmas for sure."

The three walked inside the home, Billy in the living room, watching TV. He smiled at the the two girls, Emma hugging him.

"Welcome back, you two."

"Hey Billy. I've got to head home to pack, but I missed you." Leah hugged the man before getting the keys from her mom and running to her home.

Billy raised an eyebrow at Emilia. "Where are you two headed?"

"Mini vacation. I'm looking for clues on my parents and Leah's taking advantage of my escape to get her own much needed break."

He nodded. "I respect your decision, Emma. As long as you come back."

"I promise. Now, how have you been?"

"Stressed. Jacob scared the crap out of me. I thought I lost him for good. And Sam came to tell me that Bella was dead."

"She's transitioning."

"She survived?" Sue looked shocked.

"Luckily. You should see Ness. She has Bella's eyes."


"Renesmee, the baby."

Sue's eyes widened as an alarm went off. "The chicken!" She darted towards the kitchen, Emma and Billy laughing as she went.

Emma excused herself, heading for the kitchen as well. "Need help?"


The two worked in silence, Sue ordering Emma around occasionally. It wasn't until Sue set down the chicken that Emma cleared her throat.

"What is it, dear?"

"Sue, I need a favor."

"Anything. Just name it."

Emma pulled an envelope from her jacket pocket, handing it to Sue. "This is for Embry. Can you give it to him? I would but with what happened with Sam and the rest of the pack..."

"I'll do it, no worries."

"Thank you." Sue hugged Emma, Emma's eyes watering.

"Hey. You deserve this vacation. It'll be good for both of you. And when you come back, you'll be better."

"Thanks Sue. For everything, really."

Sue smiled, wiping Emma's tears. "You're welcome. Now let's eat before Leah comes back and eats it all."

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