Chapter 34

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"True nobility is exempt from fear."

When it came to the Cullens, happiness never lasted as of late

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When it came to the Cullens, happiness never lasted as of late.

Before Bella, they led a peaceful life. There were no battle, against anyone. Not that they regretted moving to Forks. There, the family became complete.

They had naively believed that Bella being turned would end their problems. She would no longer be a defenseless human that needed constant protection. She wouldn't have another risky pregnancy. No more fighting.

Sadly, they were mistaken. Renesmee's birth and existence changed everything. It put the family in danger.

Irina had come to Forks to make amends. She had been forced by her sisters following the news that Emilia would soon marry one of the shifters that had killed her Laurent. She had to face the facts, even if she didn't want to.

Irina, though, was not happy with making amends. No, she was still upset. So when she saw Ness jump into the air to catch a snowflake, who could blame her for running straight to the Volturi? She thought she was doing the right thing and it was a good way to get revenge.

Emilia and Embry burst through the doors of the Cullen house, watching as Edward paced the house. Ness say in Bella's arms, Bella wearing an expression of worry.

"They think she's an immortal child?" Emilia asked, walking straight to Renesmee.


"What does that mean for us?"

"Death." Edward spoke, staring at his sister. She glanced back at Embry who tensed, holding Emilia closer.

"There's got to be another way. We can't just die when Ness isn't even an immortal child!"

"What can we do, Emma? They aren't coming to talk."

"We have to do something! She grows every single day, for God's sake!"

Embry put his hand on Emilia's shoulder, calming her down.

"You guys have a shot at escaping. Aro won't go after you if you're not there." Edward said, looking at the couple.

"I'm not letting you guys stand alone. Carlisle, you have friends around the world."

"I won't ask them to fight."

"Not fight, witness." Edward realized what Emilia was thinking, nodding as he thought it over.

"They will help slow the Volturi down. They can stand with us to prove Renesmee was born and not bitten."

"We can ask this of our friends." Esme told Carlisle, setting a hand on his knee.

He sighed, looking up at the two. "And if it doesn't work?"

"We fight."

Embry and Jacob shared a look. "The packs will witness and fight if necessary. It's the least we can do."

"Okay. We'll have to start gathering witnesses immediately. The family will split up. Emma, can you back down to New Orleans and talk to your friends?"

"No problem. Embry, what do you say?"

"I'm going wherever you go." They smiled at each other. The others began to map out where they would head. They would gather as many witnesses as possible without forcing anyone.

Emilia sat down, feeling rather tired from the day's activities. Edward sat next to her, speaking as low as possible so that no one would hear.

"How far along are you?"

Emma's eyes widened at his words, standing up and pulling Edward with her. "I need to talk to you about something"

The family nodded, Embry staring worriedly at his imprint. She smiled at him, trying to reassure Embry that she was fine. They walked outside, staying within line of sight of the house but still somewhat far.

"How did you know?"

"The baby's heartbeat. It's faint but it's there."

Emilia groaned. "I used a spell to mask it. I guess it slipped because of the stress."

"So Embry doesn't know?"

"Of course not. Especially now. He will never let me participate."

"With good reason."

"Edward. I love Ness, I won't let the Volturi kill her."

"But it's too dangerous."

"I know. Hopefully we won't have to fight and everything will be fine. But for now, keep it a secret please. I have to figure when and how to tell Embry."

"I give you my word." They began to walk back, Edward chuckling.

"You never answered my question."

"Which one?"

"How far along are you?"

"Three weeks. Not long at all."

Edward made a humming noise, pausing before the house. "You will tell Embry though?"

"Yes, I promise."

Edward opened the door for Emilia, stepping inside behind her. Embry rushed to his fiancé, asking her about the conversation.

Emilia shrugged. "Just about the Volturi."

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