Chapter 13

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"Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"

 Do you think anything else under heaven really matters?"

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The weeks leading up the weekend of the battle were long.

Both the pack and the Cullens trained hard, not taking any risks in their fighting styles. Eventually, both sides grew stronger, defeating each other becoming almost impossible.

Bella and Emilia tried to help as much as possible. To the distaste of Embry and Edward, they spread their scent around the battlefield. Jacob and Seth practiced carrying the girls up the mountain and around the woods to hide their scents.

It was discovered that Victoria was behind the army as a ploy to get to Bella and Emilia. She wanted Edward to hurt more than she had which was why she was behind Emilia, Edward's favorite sister. The girl Edward was extremely protective over.

Riley was her weapon, her distraction. He was a puppet she was playing with to hide her true intentions. Edward and Emilia assumed that she had lied to Riley about why she wanted to kill the Cullen's as Riley seemed to be in love with Victoria.

It was an easy conclusion to come to as Victoria had stopped coming to Forks when the threat of the army rose. She had distracted the Cullens and the wolves through a chase so that Riley could get something of Emilia's and trace her scent.

It had been no coincidence, Victoria had planned and orchestrated everything so that it would be easier for her.

And she stayed out of the action because she knew that Alice would see her coming. Hell! She didn't even want to arrive with the army.

Emilia was upset to find out that Bella had convinced Edward not to fight. Not only did that hurt the family's chances of winning but their own safety. Emilia felt that the wolves hiding their scent was pointless as they could always just follow Edward's. Anyone would guess that wherever Edward was, Emilia and Bella were too.

Embry had made it clear that he wanted Emilia to be as safe as possible which was why Emilia would be at another campground. Embry was not comfortable with the idea of her being with Edward and Bella, knowing that Edward's scent would be unmasked. He also didn't want Emilia to be alone but there was no other choice.

Emilia had begun to practice not only her birth powers but the power of spells, tapping into her witch side. She now had telekinesis and apparition as a part of her collection as well as elemental control. They were hard to master but she managed.

It was also decided that Seth would be her protector. Sam had said that Bella had Edward so Emilia needed Seth. Emilia could just mind link with Edward using her powers to give him a play by play from Seth.

They hoped that this would all work and if nothing found Emilia, Seth would go help the others if necessary.

Emilia and Embry entered his home the Friday before the battle, Edward having reserved the Cullen home for he and Bella.

Embry had made sure his mother was out of town the weekend of the battle, ensuring her safety as well.

"Can you believe this will all be over soon?" Emilia asked, falling onto Embry's bed.

"Let's hope" he muttered as he closed the door behind him.

"Em, come on. I'll be fine."

"I'm just upset that I can't stay with you instead of Seth. I'm your protector remember?"

"And I can take care of myself!" Emilia quickly became frustrated with Embry. She was more powerful by the day and yet, he underestimated her.

"You're still human. They can kill you with one bite."

"Gee, thanks for the trust Embry."

"I'm serious, Emilia."

"Trust me, I know."

"Babe, I do it because I love you. You know that."

"And as much as I love you, I hate how overbearing you're being."

Embry pulled his girlfriend into his arms, staring her in the eyes.

"My job is to keep you safe, even if you hate me for doing it. I can't lose you."

Emilia sighed, leaning up to press a kiss to Embry's lips. "I don't want to spend tonight fighting."

Embry kissed back, his arms pulling her closer as she pulled away. "Promise me something?" She asked, Embry nodding without hesitation.

"Anything" he replied, his lips grazing hers.

"You won't worry yourself about me during the battle. You'll concentrate on the fight and if you feel me get hurt, you'll focus your anger onto getting rid of that damn army."

Embry nodded. "Okay but you have to promise to avoid any confrontations."

"Promise." Emilia whispered, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him again. She pulled his head down, kissing him deeply.

Embry ducked in order to relieve the strain on her neck. Their kiss slowly became more heated, the two pulling away only when absolutely necessary.

Embry's lips trailed down her neck as Emilia gasped, her hand grasping the hem of his shirt. He pulled it off in a swift moment, their lips meeting again.

Emilia pulled away to slide her dress off, pulling Embry into another kiss. The two landed on his bed before Embry pulled away, his eyes looking over his imprint.

"Are you sure?" He asked. Emilia kissed him again and pulled back, nodding.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my life." She muttered, watching as Embry's eyes darkened at her words. The two kissed again, this time not pulling apart.

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