Chapter 7

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"Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same"

Emilia clutched Embry's hand tightly as they approached her home, her tensing instantly.

She had gotten permission from Carlisle for Embry to come onto Cullen territory and she had briefly explained to Carlisle and Esme why she wanted them to meet Embry.

They understood but she felt, no she knew, that Rose and Edward at least would not understand. They would hate Embry just because of what he was. Just like Embry hated them for what they were.

Embry squeezed Emilia's hand. "Calm down, babe. Everything will be fine."

"You say that now." She muttered making Embry laugh. He himself was extremely nervous but contained himself for the sake of his very anxious girlfriend.

The door opened and out came Esme who was quick to embrace Emilia. "You must be Embry, Emma has told us a lot about you."

Embry smiled, trying to ignore the sickly sweet smell that followed the older women. "Yes, that's me. You're Esme, right?"

Esme nodded and turned, motioning towards the house. "Come in, the food is ready and everybody is waiting"

As the couple followed Esme inside, Embry looked to Emilia. 'Food' he mouthed to her making her nod.

Carlisle greeted them once inside, shaking Embry's hand. His arm went around Esme's waist as he spoke to Embry.

"You're lucky, Emma. He's a good one." Carlisle said making Embry laugh.

"No, I'm the lucky one" he admitted, looking down at his imprint. She had significantly relaxed as Carlisle and Esme accepted Embry. Now came the hard part.

"Well well well, little Emma's got a boyfriend!" Emmett teased, ruffling his sister's hair.

Emilia rolled her eyes as Emmett stared expectantly at her, his arm around Rosalie. Rosalie stood glaring at Embry, her nose wrinkled in disgust.

Her eyes went to her other other siblings. Alice and Jasper stood stiffly but with smiles, ready to accept Embry into their family for Emilia's sake. Then there was Bella and Edward.

Bella was looking awkward as usual but looked a bit more comfortable since she knew Embry beforehand. Edward on the other hand was visibly annoyed by Embry's presence and glared at him.

Emilia shot Edward a glare, as if warning him to make a scene. "Embry, this is Emmett and Rosalie."

Embry gulped as he looked at Rosalie, the beautiful girl looking vicious. "Hi, I've heard a lot about you."

Rosalie held back a smile. The poor kid was nervous. Emmett laughed. "We've heard of you too. Nice to meet you, kid."

"This is Alice and Jasper."

"Hi, welcome to the family, Embry." Alice embraced him, Embry stiffening but accepting the hug. This was his girlfriend's family after all.

He shook Jasper's hand before Emilia pulled him towards the final couple. "You know Bella and Edward. Ignore Edward though, he's being a dick."

"Emilia!" Esme scolded as Edward rolled his eyes.

"He stinks." Edward stated plainly, Embry's eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, well, you don't smell too good either."

The atmosphere became tense, Edward's jaw clenching.

"Okay, time to eat!" Esme led Embry away. Embry turned to look at Emilia who put up one finger. He hesitated but nodded, heading to the kitchen.

Emilia turned back to Edward, glaring at him. She pushed a finger into his chest. "Why are you being so rude? I was nice to Bella when she came over and you know how I feel about her!"

Bella flinched, Edward's hold on her tightening as if protecting her from Emilia. "I was civil."

"No you weren't! Not even Rosalie was as obnoxious as you! It's like you don't even care about my happiness!"

"I think you and Embry are rushing into a relationship. Soulmates take time."

"Like you did with Bella?" Emilia asked sarcastically.

"It's different! I don't think he's good for you!"

"It's none of your business, Edward!"

"It is when my little sister is involved!"

"He's my Bella! Why can't you accept that?" With those words Emilia left, heading to the dining room where Embry and her family were.

She noticed how Embry and Emmett laughed, Esme serving him more food. Alice and Jasper added to the conversation, Rosalie occasionally speaking. Carlisle stood with Esme, watching the scene.

"Having fun without me?" She said, taking her seat next to Embry.

"Esme is an amazing cook! Why didn't you tell me?"

She laughed, leaning on Embry as Esme put a plate before her. Edward entered the dining room and the atmosphere changed again as he glared at the couple.

They finished eating awkwardly, Emilia clearing her throat when Embry was done. "As much as I would love to stay in this tension, we have to go."

Emilia pulled Embry out, him rushing his goodbyes as Emilia dragged him outside. He let out a breath, trying to register the events in his head.

"Is it always that awkward or was it because I was there?"

"No, it's just Edward being annoying. The rest of my family likes you, even Rose."

"I'm glad, I know how much they mean to you." Embry kissed Emilia, leaning his forehead against hers.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked, Emilia nodding.

He kissed her one last time before running off, probably back to Emily's. Emilia giggled and went back inside, her fingers touching her lips.

"He's afraid of me. I like him." Rosalie said as Emilia entered.

"That's a relief." Emilia teased making the blonde laugh. Rosalie went upstairs with Emilia.

"Edward is just being a hypocrite. Don't listen to him, Embry isn't that bad." She said before leaving to the family room, Emilia sighing.

At least most of her family accepted him.

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