Chapter 33

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"No matter who you are or where you are, instinct tells you to go home"

"Hello? Anybody home?" Alice squealed as Emilia walked in, followed by Embry

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"Hello? Anybody home?" Alice squealed as Emilia walked in, followed by Embry.

"Emilia!" She was engulfed in a hug by her whole family, laughing as Emmett lifted her up.

"I see you and Embry made up." Esme commented as Embry pulled Emilia back to his side. They both laughed, Emilia brushing her hair out of her face.

Rosalie gasped, grabbing Emilia's left arm and pulling it towards her, inspecting the ring that adorned her left ring finger.

"You're engaged!" She shouted, hugging Emilia again

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"You're engaged!" She shouted, hugging Emilia again. Emilia laughed, nodding.

"Yeah, he proposed last night."

"Oh, congratulations!" Esme hugged Emilia and Embry.

"Did we miss something?" A new voice sounded, Embry pushing Emilia behind him.

"Bella?" Emilia looked out from behind Embry, staring at the newest Cullen addition.

If she thought Bella was pretty before, Bella was a supermodel now. Her hair looked livelier, falling in soft waves. Her features were more defined and her pale skin seemed to glow.

"Emma! You're back!" Bella ran forward, Embry not moving from his defensive stance.

"Em, it's fine. Bella won't hurt me."

"Bella? Can you handle it?" He asked the girl before him, Bella smiling at how protective he was of his girl.

"I can."

He reluctantly stepped away, Bella stepping forward awkwardly. "Hey Emma."

Emilia smiled, bringing Bella into a hug. Bella stiffened but hugged back lightly, trying to avoid hurting Emilia. Emilia pulled away, looking over the older girl.

"Damn Bells, immortality suits you. I thought you looked good over video chat but in person, you're something else."

Bella laughed, looking back to her mate. Emilia looked back as well, her eyes widening as she saw Renesmee. The baby she had left behind looked to be 7 years old at least. Sure, Bella had told her that Ness was growing but this was just shocking.

"Hi Aunt Emma." The girl ran up, hugging Emilia. Emilia hugged her back, leaning down to Ness's height.

"Ness! You've gotten so big!"

Emilia motioned for Embry to come closer, him kneeling next to his imprint. "Ness, you don't know Embry, do you?"


"Well, this is my boyfriend, Embry. He's Jake's friend."

Renesmee looked to her Aunt, reluctant to go near Embry.

"You can use your gift if you want. He won't mind."

Embry shot Emilia a confused look but leaned closer to Renesmee when she stretched her hand out. His eyes widened as her gift began to work, whatever she was showing him shocking him.

"That's incredible." Embry muttered as Renesmee pulled her hand away, smiling.

"What did she show you?"

"Her memories with you. From when she was born to before you left. And when you told her about me."

"Aunt Emma taught me how to use my power while she was away. She has it too."

"Really?" Embry raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I can show you my memories or your own memories. Mental manipulation, remember?"

Embry nodded, amazed at his imprint.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Renesmee."

"Congratulations you two. I'm glad you finally proposed, Embry." Edward spoke up, Embry smiling at him.

"Thanks, man."

"You knew?" Emilia looked between Edward and Embry, Edward laughing. "I read his mind during the wedding while you were giving your speech. He's been planning it for ages."

"Okay, enough talking! I have something for Emilia!" Alice announced, running upstairs and back. She handed Emilia a flat box, Emma raising an eyebrow.

"Happy late Birthday! You're finally eighteen!"

Emilia laughed, thanking Alice before opening the box. She gasped at the locket inside. She took it out, opening it and smiling at the picture inside. It was Emma as a baby, Esme holding her with Carlisle by her side. Both were smiling as they stared down at the baby, the baby they got to raise as their own.

"Alice, Jasper, thank you. It's beautiful." Emilia hugged Alice, handing the locket to Embry. He clipped it around her neck, kissing her cheek when done.

"As long as we're giving gifts, here's ours." Rosalie handed her a box, an emerald bracelet lying inside.

Esme and Carlisle gave her the matching earrings and Edward and Bella gave her the matching necklace.

"Thank you guys. I love it."

"It's getting late. You should start packing if you want to move out tonight." Edward spoke, the family turning to the couple.

"You're moving?" Rosalie asked.

"Yeah. With our engagement and everything, I thought it would be better for us."

"You're right. We've been expecting it." Esme grabbed Emma's hands, squeezing them.

"We'll help you, make it easier to pack." Carlisle added.

Emma smiled, hugging the two. "Thank you. You took me in and without you guys, I wouldn't be who I am today."

"Of course. You're our daughter, blood or not."

"And you are my parents. And all of you are my siblings."

They had a group hug, Bella and Embry standing aside.

"Alright!" Emmett clapped, everyone turning to him. "Let's get packing."

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