Chapter 21

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"This is what it felt like to have a broken heart. It felt less like a cracking down the middle and more like she had swallowed it whole and it sat bruised and bleeding in the pit of her stomach"

 It felt less like a cracking down the middle and more like she had swallowed it whole and it sat bruised and bleeding in the pit of her stomach"

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For the first time in a long time, Emilia spent a week without Embry. She was ignoring him, avoiding the confrontation she knew would follow. No texts, no calls, no nothing as she focused on taking care of Bella.

Bella, oh god, Bella. Bella had never looked paler. The bags under her eyes were prominent and the bones poked through her skin. Her belly had expanded, looking closer to 30 weeks then the 1 she had.

The sound of a motorcycle had Emilia turning away from Bella and to the glass where she could see Jacob running towards the door.

"Oh, shit." She muttered, standing up and adjusting Bella's blanket to cover her belly.

Carlisle did his best to hold Jacob back but his attempts were proving to be futile.

"Jake?" Bella called out, the family crowding her as Jacob entered the room.

Everyone stepped back except for Rose and Emilia, Jacob raising an eyebrow at Emilia.

"So this is where you are? You know, Embry's been crazy worried about you."

Emilia winced at the mention of Embry as Jacob got closer.

"Close enough." Rosalie hissed, Jacob stopping short.

"Rose, Emma, it's okay." Bella assured the two causing them to step away. Jake sat across from Bella, taking her in. He sighed.

"You look terrible."

Bella smiled slightly, nodding. "It's nice to see you too."

"So you gonna tell me what's wrong with you?"

Bella looked down before glancing at the two girls standing by her. "Rose, Emma, you want to help me up?"

Alice swallowed harshly before Bella threw off her blanket, Jacob standing at the sight of her bulging stomach.

Emma and Rose helped Bella stand, Bella pulling down her shirt as she stared at Jacob.

Jacob stared at Bella and at her stomach before turning to Edward, who looked exhausted. "You did this!"

Emmett stopped Jacob before he could reach Edward. "He didn't know it was even possible." Carlisle spoke.

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