Chapter 12

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"The best thing to hold onto in life is each other."

Emilia rode in the back of the Jeep with her earphones in, ignoring Edward and Bella in the front seats

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Emilia rode in the back of the Jeep with her earphones in, ignoring Edward and Bella in the front seats. The two spoke quietly, Edward occasionally looking back to make sure that Emilia was okay.

Today was the first of the training days and the wolves had agreed to train with the Cullens. After all, they had never fought an army of newborns and Jasper had experience.

Emilia watched as they pulled up to the field right as Emmett landed on the ground across from Jasper.

"Again!" He growled as he jumped up, Bella and Edward jumping out the Jeep. Emilia sighed before shoving her phone in her pocket, slamming the door shut behind her as she exited.

The wolves slowly began to appear, all shifted in their giant forms. Emilia scanned the pack for Embry, smiling at her wolf.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human form." Edward said.

"They came, that's all that matters." Carlisle replied, walking up. "Will either of you translate?" Emilia and Edward shared a look.

Emilia nodded as Carlisle began to speak. "Welcome, Jasper has experience with newborns, he'll teach us how to defeat them."

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us." She spoke.

"They're a great deal stronger than us because their old human blood still lingers in their tissues. Our kind is never more powerful than in the first few years of their lives" Carlisle stepped back and allowed Jasper to take control.

"Carlisle's right, that's why they're created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. No human army can stand against them. The two most important things to remember are first, never let them get their arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. And second, never go for the obvious kill. They'll be expecting that and you will lose." Jasper turned and moved back.

"Emmett!" The two stood parallel to each other, both smirking. "Don't hold back"

"Not in my nature."

Emmett ran at Jasper, Jasper waiting for him with open arms. Emmett pushed Jasper back and threw him into the air, Jasper getting up quickly and running at Emmett. The two clashed again, this time Jasper wiping out Emmett who fell.

"Never lose focus." The wolves watched interested as Emmett angrily stood up.

Next were Carlisle and Edward who ran at each other after nodding at each other. Edward jumped over Carlisle and the two ran again, colliding and dodging hits. Edward finally brought Carlisle down, smirking in satisfaction.

"One more thing." Jasper started as Edward walked away. "Never turn your back on your enemy." Carlisle brought Edward down as Jasper stated the tip sarcastically.

Jasper called up Rosalie. He dodged her hits and quickly forced her down before beckoning Alice.

She dodged his hits, cartwheeling away before he began to attack her again. He gave up hitting her and grabbed her chin, leaning in to kiss her before she disappeared. She jumped off a tree and onto his back. Alice kissed Jasper before jumping off, walking away.

Jasper turned to the wolves. "Want to try?"

Emilia laughed out loud as she heard all the wolves thoughts, wanting to join in on the fun.

"They're ready, Jas."

"Paul, Emmett!"

"This will be good." Emilia muttered, watching the two glare at each other.

They struggled for a bit, both being tough fighters. No one let go, the two fighting for dominance. It wasn't until Paul pinned Emmett that Jasper stopped them.

"I love to see a good fight." He whispered to Emilia, who stifled her laugh.

"You know Emmett, this is the third time you've been taken down. I think you need to change strategies."

Emmett rolled his eyes. "Whatever, Emma"

Jasper continued to call out random pairings, Emma turning him out until he called out for Embry to step up.

Embry and Jacob faced off, Jacob clearly bigger than Embry. The two jumped at each other, snapping and rolling around.

"Come on, Em. You got this." Emilia muttered as Jacob got the upper hand.

Embry, hearing his imprints words, pushed Jacob off and getting him down, Jasper slow clapping.

"Alright, I think we're done for today."

Emilia jumped off the hood of the Jeep, running to catch up to Embry. Embry waited for his imprint, not wanting her to be alone in the forest.

Her hand ran over his fur, Embry lowering his head for her to touch. "Did Jake hurt you?"

Embry shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"Come on, I'm starving."

Embry led Emilia to Emily's, pausing outside the forest edge. Emilia ran ahead, Embry watching until she was safely inside the house before shifting.

He put on his shorts and walked inside the house, smiling as he saw Emilia talking to Sam.

Embry's arms slid around Emilia's waist as Sam asked if she wanted to be with the other imprints during the battle. Emilia leaned into Embry's chest, shaking her head. Even Embry raised an eyebrow at her response.

"I'd only put them in danger. They have my scent, it's too risky."

"But our scent masks yours." Embry told her, Emilia staring up at him.

"Edward thinks it would be better for me and Bella to be together."

Paul scoffed. "Both targets together, easier to get. That's ridiculous."

"I'm not putting Emily and Kim in danger. That's final."

"Enough, boys. The Cullen's know what's best for Emilia, whether we like it or not. They are her family and we have to respect that."

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