Bedtime- Chapter 7

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(Author's Note: The picture above, LOL.)

Time skip, same day:

"(y/n)." Overhaul called. You looked up. "It's time to sleep. Go to the bathroom." Overhaul said. "Ahhh, I was drawing!" You whined. "You can draw tomorrow, hurry up now." Overhaul said.

You sighed and slowly stood up. You did your bedtime routine and put your pyjama's on. You are hugging your (favorite animal) plush toy.

You laid in your bed and looked at Kai with a smiling face. "Come!" You said. Overhaul put his mask and his jacket off. He walked towards you and came laying next to you.

(EDIT (22 december 2020): The reader is ONLY FOUR YEARS old and Overhaul's little sister, them laying/sleeping next to each other is completely normal. You guys are too thirsty...)

"Goodnight." He mumbled, pulling you close to himself and closing his eyes. "Goodnight." You said back. After a minute passed, you just needed to talk to him. "Kai." You said. He didn't respond. "Kai." You said again. Overhaul hushed you. You sighed and closed your eyes, trying to sleep.

A few minutes passed. "Kai." You said. "What?" Overhaul mumbled sleepy. "I can't sleep." You said. "If you stay quiet for awhile, you'll fall asleep. Now be quiet and sleep." Overhaul whispered. "No." You whispered back. "Sleep." Overhaul whispered. "Why are we whispering?" You said outloud.

Overhaul didn't respond. You kissed Overhaul's cheek. "Hah?" Overhaul opened his eyes. "See? You're awake." You said and giggled. He kissed your cheek back.

After a silence of a few seconds, Overhaul spoke up: "Do you remember..." Overhaul started.


You were humming a nursery song. Overhaul was brushing your hair and made it in a cute (hairstyle). "Kai?" You called. "Yes?" Overhaul responded. You turned around and looked at him, blushing a little which obviously caught his attention.

He raised his eyebrow. "What?" He asked. "U-umm..." You said and your cheeks got redder. "Well...w-we often s-say that w-we love each other...But...What d-does love actually mean?" You said, your cheeks very red.

Overhaul laughed. "What are you blushing for?" He teased. "I'm not!" You protested. "How should I explain this...?" He mumbled to himself. "Hmmm, 'love'...There are different kinds of love, the only love you need to know is the love between us two." Overhaul said.

"You still didn't explain it, though!" You said. "Yeah yeah...Love is a feeling that you can feel towards a person or something. You care for them, you want that person to be happy. It's difficult to explain, but...yeah. Our love is siblings love and or the love between a parent and their child, because we are siblings." Overhaul said. You nodded.

You thought for a few seconds and started your explanation of 'love', what you thought and what you think it is. "Yay! I was right!" You said and clapped your hands. "Yes, you knew what it means." Overhaul said. "Yes...but I just wanted to hear what you think about 'love'." You said.

"The explanation I gave is...yeah, I just can't properly explain it...but I feel it. I love you very much. You know." Overhaul said. You nodded. "I love you too!" You shouted.

He showered you with a lot of kisses.

Flashback end

"Yes, I remember!" You said and giggled. "Love, huh? What a weird feeling. It can turn someone into a complete different person." Overhaul said.

"It didn't change us, right?" You said, turning a little on your side to look at him. "Yes..." Overhaul responded.

You started laughing. "What?" Overhaul asked. "I just remembered something." You said, still laughing a little.


"Kai!" You shouted, slamming his bedroom door open. You raised your eyebrow as you saw him shirt-less, he is wearing jeans though. "Knock before entering!" Overhaul said. You laughed. "Calm down! It's not like you're naked." You responded while giggling.

Overhaul sighed and put his shirt on. "I told you several times to knock before entering. I was luckly only shirt-less." Overhaul said. "Sorry?" You said, smiling. "Fine...I forgave you. Don't do it again." Overhaul replied.

Flashback end

" didn't do it again, though." Overhaul said. "Remember when I tried to make a friend and you ruined it?" You said.

You are holding Overhaul's hand and are walking with him outside. You two shopped. You looked around and would pet almost every stray cat you saw.

"Cat!" You shouted while pointing towards a black sleepy cat on the street.  (Kuro!- Just kidding, besides, he's more blue...I mean Kuro from Servamp.)

Overhaul let go of your hand when you two were close enough. You petted the cat and the cat liked it. The cat started purring.

"Hey." You heard a boy's voice say. You looked up and saw a boy who seemed slightly older, maybe a year or two older. Overhaul frowned a little. He waited to see what you'll say, he clearly told you many times not to talk or touch boys.

"Hey!" You replied. "It's a cute cat, right?" He said. You nodded with a smile. He told you his name and before you could say your name, Overhaul interrupted you two.

"Stay away from her." Overhaul said. The boy looked up. "Huh?" The boy was confused. "Let's go." Overhaul said. He grabbed your hand, making you stand and walked away with you.

"Ugh...What did I tell you?" Overhaul said. "I'm very sorry, just happened." You responded with a guilty look. "You can't just say 'It just happened.' Everyone can say that to everything. I'm mad, you know." Overhaul said. You felt him squeezing your hand a little.

Flashback end
"It was your fault." Overhaul said. "Hey!" You replied and puffed your cheeks. "...You lectured me for about two hours." You mumbled. "Yes...Until you cried." Overhaul responded. "Wasn't that too much?" You said. "Not at all, you disobeyed me." Overhaul said.

"Kai?" You said. "Yes?" Overhaul replied. "I'm going to marry." You said, you sounded serious. There was a silence of a few seconds, before Overhaul could say anything, you quickly spoke up: "Just kidding!"

"...Don't make jokes like that." Overhaul responded seriously. You giggled. "Who did you think I meant?" You asked while giggling. "I don't know...but he was going to die for sure and you would get punished for thinking that." Overhaul said.

"...Really?" You asked. "Really." Overhaul responded. "...'Punished'?" You asked. "Yes...I would be able to think of something." Overhaul said.

"Don't worry, Kai! I'm not in love like that!" You said. "Good." Overhaul said.

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