Heroes attack part 2- Chapter 10

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"Kai?" You asked. Overhaul looked at you. "...Where are mommy and daddy?" You asked. Overhaul tensed a little up.

You fiddled your fingers. "Everyone has one...A mom and dad." You said. "...Um...Dad died...mom too." Overhaul said, you saw a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Oh..." Was all you said. "...Don't worry...You have me and I have you." Overhaul said and smiled at you, he wasn't wearing his mask since there is no one else here anyway.

"Yay! You are like a daddy, mommy, brother...wover (lover) and-" You said until Overhaul cut you off. "Do you know what 'lover' means?" He asked. "Hmm, someone who you love?" You said while thinking. Overhaul explained it to you. You gasped. "Oh! Sowy (Sorry)! I-I thought it meant something ewse (else)!" You said, you looked away.

Overhaul chuckled a little. "It's fine. You're so innocent." Overhaul responded.

Flashback end

You suddenly heard a loud noise. Overhaul turned around and you two saw a familiar blond haired hero (Togata).

"Excuse me...But can I ask you some questions...?" Togata said, he was panting and sweating.

"You shouldn't have been able to get here so fast." Overhaul said, tightening his grip on you. "I'm here to rescue those girls." Togata said. "Now that you know the situation, you're putting on your hero mask, huh? Mr.Student. Back then, you were pretending not to see, weren't you? Eri doesn't want you to rescue her. (y/n) is mine and she wants to stay with me, right, (y/n)?" Overhaul said.

Overhaul looked at you. You nodded, scared.- Togata looked a little surprised at this.

"You're not a hero towards them." Overhaul said. "That's why I'm here!- To become their hero!" Togata said.

"I'm not getting through to you. Let me make this simpler." Overhaul said and turned around, his back facing Togata.

Togata attempted to attack him. "I'm telling you to die." Overhaul said. Togata suddenly didn't feel well, because of Deidoro Sakaki's quirk.

Overhaul let Shin Nemoto and Deidoro Sakaki fight Togata.

"Kai..." You said, slightly gripping on his shoulder. "What?" He responded. "...That hero...does he want to separate us?" You asked.

"Yes...They are monsters, right?" Overhaul responded. You nodded. "I won't let him take you." Overhaul said.
You looked over Overhaul's shoulder to Togata who's fighting.

Togata defeated Shin Nemoto and Deidoro Sakaki. Togata ran up to you all. He attacked Overhaul, Overhaul dodged, his cheek getting a little cut. Togata kicked Overhaul away, taking you out his arms.- Then he kicked Kurono, catching Eri.

"Why..?" Eri asked Togata. You gasped. "Let me go!" You shouted, trying to get free. "(y/n)-Chan! I'm helping you!" Togata responded.

"How filthy...How dare you touch my (y/n)...I'm the only one who can touch her." Overhaul growled, cleaning his face where Togata touched him.

"She's mine...Only mine...My sister...Give her back." Overhaul said, his blood boiling in anger.

YANDERE OVERHAUL X CHILD SISTER READER! 'My Cure' BNHA/ MHANơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ