Despair- Chapter 12

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(Author's Note: You can play the OST above while you're reading, if you want. (EDIT 1 april 2020: The OST 'Loneliness' extended's version got deleted from YouTube, so here's a shorter version.))


"(y/n), come here." Overhaul called. You walked to him and stood infront of him. He made you sit on his lap and he took something out of his pocket. It was a...bracelet? It's black and made from silver.

"What's this?" You asked and tilted your head a little in confusion. He gently grabbed your ankle and put this 'bracelet' on it. You heard a click sound. "Oh, just something which shows you're mine." Overhaul replied. You didn't really understand it, 'cause you thought 'It's plain, there's nothing written on it.', but you shrugged this thought off and smiled at him.

Flashback end

You didn't feel well, you saw other heroes too. This way, Overhaul will get more hurt. You don't want that. Overhaul thought to just only take you with him, so that he atleast has you. Losing you is not a option for him. But those heroes won't let him escape, let alone take you with him.- But Overhaul also doesn't want his plan to be ruined, though you're more important for him.

Midoriya punched Overhaul in his arm. You gasped. You couldn't help Overhaul, you don't know how to use your quirk.

Overhaul fell on the ground. Aizawa erased Overhaul's quirk. You ran to Overhaul and stood protectively infront of him. "Stay away from him!" You shouted and glared at the heroes. The heroes looked surprised. "(y/n)-Chan!" Midoriya said. "Shut up! I hate you! I hate you for hurting Kai! I hate you for trying to separate me and Kai!" You shouted. Midoriya's eyes widened in shock.

"Stay back, (y/n)..." Overhaul said while stumbling back on his feet. You looked at him with tears pouring down your cheeks. "You-You're hurt." You breathed out. He grabbed your arm, pushing you behind himself.

You saw Nighteye hugging Togata and Eri, your blood boiled in anger. 'How can they...It's their fault! They want to separate me and Kai!- Then they think they're heroes! As if they're saving me!' You thought.

Overhaul tried to use his quirk, but Aizawa had erased it. 'My quirk was erased!' Overhaul thought. Midoriya and Aizawa jumped at Overhaul.

"Get up, Chrono!" Overhaul shouted. Aizawa pushed Midoriya away and Kurono attacked Aizawa. Aizawa's arm got a cut.

Aizawa blinked, causing his quirk to stop and Overhaul used his quirk to attack Midoriya.

"Like I'd let my plan be ruined by people like this! Like I'd let you take
(y/n)!" Overhaul said.

You sobbed. "Right, Nemoto? You don't want that, do you?" Overhaul said. Nemoto fell infront of Overhaul.

"Nemoto, you really did a good job...You would die for my sake, wouldn't you?!" Overhaul said. You stepped backwards, away from Overhaul and looked terrified as you saw Overhaul fused Nemoto's body with his, transforming.


You sobbed. "...You fell?" Overhaul asked. You nodded and pointed to your bleeding knee while crying. "Shush, I'll make it all better again, okay?" Overhaul said.

He picked you up and put you on the couch. He grabbed bandaid. Overhaul cleaned the wound. You hissed in pain at the touch. "It hurts." You whined and pushed his hand away. "I know, but I have to clean it." Overhaul replied.

You whined. "Think about something funny." Overhaul said. You giggled through your tears as you thought about something funny that happened to you two. You brought up the memory. "Auw!" You whispered. "Sorry..." Overhaul muttered. You tried to ignore the pain and continued your story.

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