Love- Chapter 8

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"You really need to sleep now." Overhaul said. He brushed your hair with his fingers. "Kai?" You called. He hummed in response.

"Don't get mad..." You started. He stopped with brushing your hair. "...What did you do?" Overhaul asked. "I heard you talking...about a fight. Are heroes going to attack us?" You said.

He stayed quiet, so you continued: "I didn't plan on eavesdropping, but I was passing by and heard you..."

"...You don't have to worry about things like that." Overhaul whispered. "So I was right?" You asked. You sat up.
"I don't want you to get hurt! You said they'll try to take Eri and I.- Why? I want to stay with you. Heroes say they save people, right?- Are you really hurting Eri and using her quirk, so that they have to save her? I don't need to get saved.- I can't get saved, because you're very nice to me and I want to stay with you.-" You ranted with concern in your voice, until Overhaul sat up and gave you a peck on your lips.
(EDIT (2 July 2020): This is NOT incest! A peck on the lips is fine, because the reader is only four and his sister. If the reader wasn't a young child, then it would've been inappropriate.
I'm NOT upset because of your comments,  .(Most of you are joking and know it's NOT incest.) I just want to make sure you don't feel uneasy because of it and or get the wrong idea. I don't like incest and would never write a story about it. Enjoy reading!)

"I won't let anyone take you away from me." Overhaul said. He laid back down. "What if-" You started, but got cut off by Overhaul again: "No, don't worry. I'll also sleep here tonight."

"But you didn't change your clothes. You're not going to sleep now." You said. He didn't respond and pulled your arm, making you lay next him again.

He touched your cheek and saw that it was wet. "...Are you crying?" Overhaul asked with worry. You didn't respond, but he heard a little sob.

"Geez...You worry too much about stuff like this." Overhaul said. You looked at him, it is dark in the room, but your nightlamp and the lamp in the hallway are on.

He hugged you. "You won't leave me, right? When are they coming?" You asked.

"Be quiet..." Overhaul whispered.

YANDERE OVERHAUL X CHILD SISTER READER! 'My Cure' BNHA/ MHAWhere stories live. Discover now