Wendigo (the adopted human)

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As you and your mother were fishing in the near pond you Heard a male wendigo growling and roaring you knew he was taking your mothers Territory. As you mother rushed you inside the cave she knew she could have to right to keep her territory.

As the male found your mother he stopped as he smelled something else that the female had been hiding a human woman.

He ran pushing your mother to the side as he rushed into the cave as he looked at you he knew you mother had taken in human child which made him snarl at your mother. As he jumped and bit into your neck you screamed out in pain as you moment watched on. He was to strong for her and she knew it.

You knew he was taking the Territory and now you. He snarled at your mother and chased her out of his new territory.

He roared letting everybody know who was the new boss around here. He snarled at you as you moved to hide.

As he turned back into his human form he smirked at you.

"A wendigo taking in a human why?" He asked trying to know why she has done what she did

"My mother died giving birth to me she found me and raised me as her own" you told him sitting down next to him. He smiled knowing you already knew the wendigo way of life now it as his time to breed and show his pups the new way.

"You are mine now little human mate" he smirked kissing you on the temple.

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