Mothman (the trap)

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(Requested by thecjcldssorceress)

As everyone used to laugh at you when you told them about mothman and how he was real. As you set up the last bear trap you were going to catch him and prove to people he was real. As you got your camera ready you heard something screamed and you saw something move from your 3rd bear trap.

As you slowly approached the creature it let out A screech as he saw you holding onto the camera and a knife in your other hand.

As she saw the moth in distress you were upset for the creature and you decided to let it go. When you did it looked at you in shock and quickly flew away. As you lost your phone early you decided to try and go look for it.

As night fall fell you still didn't find your phone as you were really tired you decided to go to bed and headed inside the tent.

As it was night you fell asleep until something opened the tent. You screamed and looked to see the moth man holding your phone in his hand as he dropped it he was about to flew away not before you shouted.

"Stay" he was shocked as he decided to stay with you in the tent. As it was raining outside you felt sorry for him.

As you fell asleep with the moth watching you. You saw him smilie before darkness took over you. As you woke you found yourself cuddling him as he was caressing you face he noticed that you were awake.

He lent down and nipped you on the lips you were shocked not like he could kiss you since he didn't have lips. You were falling for this moth as he kept nipping you.

You laughed and kissed his check you Wondered how you were going to tell your family that you had seen moth man and also kissed him but you hoped it would be a lot more then just a kiss.

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