Naga (half naga half human)

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As you were half human You developed more human features then naga your father loved you dearly but as a human your life was more at risk your only brother had moved out awhile ago and mated with a nearby female she was a lovely naga who many loved and adored.

As you were the only hybrid in these woods a lot of males were interested in you but one took your eye he and moved all the way from the amazon to see if the rumours were true about you.

He was very good looking compared to a lot of the nagas here but he also was a good fighter he had already took two lands from some naga men but the worst was soon to come. Soon he took even more lands including your brothers many of the nagas ran from there homes with there family's and started life elsewhere but you were staying put. your father had sadly moved with your brother and his mate as the male naga had been slaughtering young males.

As it was coming to mating season you could feel it all over your body but somebody else could also feel you nearby.

"Hello little hybrid" you quickly turned around to see the amazon naga looking at you smirking.

"Go away" you shouted at him hoping he would but soon your body was telling you otherwise and it wanted this male right in front of you.

As he came closer he stopped kissing your head and smirked you clearly didn't know this naga next minute he was killing people and now he was a caring person?

"You need a clutch of eggs inside you soon"'he slowly whispered into your ear.

"Not by you" you clapped back at him as he was confused by the rejection.

"This is my Territory now half breed if you want to stay I suggest you carry my young and raise them don't worry I will raise my sons to be good Warriors And protect this land and are family" he smirked as you gave him a musky what world did he live in?

"When I come back you better be naked and ready for me" as he said this you blushed no naga here never said anything like that to any woman.

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