・Too Flustered・

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This scenario will be about when Shimada and Hirose saved Ishida.
Warning: Shirtless men
Please vote and enjoy!
(F/c) ~ favorite color
(H/c) ~ hair color
^~ sign language


*SPLASH* ...
Ishida feels the cool water, as he fell into the pond. Moments away from death, his life was saved by the same people that ruined it.

"Do you know what happened?" one of the cops asked but the frightened girl doesn't understand the words. "She can't hear you." the man who saved Ishida informed. Nishimiya looked over to see Shimada and Hirose. Droplets of water rolled down their faces. As the police continued on with their business and investigation, Shimada turned to Nishimiya, "Don't tell Ishida." he said. His soaked hair shines in the moonlight. The fireworks were still booming in the background. "Nishimiya!" a worried voice came in. Shimada and Hirose looked up to see a girl with her (h/c) hair up in a flower bun. (If you have short hair, we can say it's clipped up. You can imagine it in any way you like.) Her traditional (f/c) kimono blew in the wind as she ran. "(Y/n)?" Shimada said under his breath as his girlfriend came into view.

(Y/n) finally reached the traumatized Nishimiya and try to communicate in sign language

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(Y/n) finally reached the traumatized Nishimiya and try to communicate in sign language. Behind her Ueno, Kawai, and Hirose's girlfriend stood. "Honey, why are you wet?" Hirose's girlfriend rushed up to him with an anxious look. (I do not know what Hirose's girlfriend/wife is like, so I'm going to make up her personality. Thanks for understanding) ^Nishimiya, are you okay? Are you hurt?^ (y/n) signed. Nishimiya shooked her head and fell down onto her knees. "Dis is all mai fault!" she cried, covering her face with her hands. (Y/n) went down with her, hugging and trying to comfort the poor girl. "Miss, are you her friend?" one of the cops has spotted both the girls. "Yes, I am."
"Then can you please help us with something." As (y/n) was used as a translator for Nishimiya and the policemen, Nishimiya's mother and Yuzuru rushed up to them frantically."Big sis!" When they caught up, Nishimiya's mom looked at the girl who has been comforting her daughter, instantly recognizing her."(Y/n), what happened...?" (Y/n) explain the whole situation to the worried woman as she was comforting Nishimiya along with Yuzuru. (Y/n) was always like another family member to them. She was kind to Nishimiya ever since they met, despite of Nishimiya's disability. Ueno and Kawai was with Shimada, who was a couple of feet away from them. Ueno eyed Nishimiya suspiciously. After (y/n) could be excluded from the situation, the police took Nishimiya and her family to discuss some stuff and Ishida's mother was informed.

The firework has stopped and the only sound accompanying them was the winds and the chirping crickets. The lamppost, town's shine and the moon gave them a source of light. (Y/n) walked over to the gang, tired from talking so much. "What happened???" Kawai questioned. "The policeman told me it's private information and I could get in trouble if I spilled." "I'm so worried about Ishida...." Ueno muttered quietly. "Don't worry Ueno, Ishida is going to be alright because a hero saved him!" (y/n) went up to Shimada who was soaked and wet, and gave him a kiss as a reward. "Come on (y/n), it's nothing serious..." Shimada touched his cheek where she kissed. "Two heroes! Hirose also saved that man!" Hirose's girlfriend put out as Hirose also earned a kiss on the cheek. "Jeez guys, it's not important," Hirose said, trying to imitate Shimada's coolness, wiping off the red lipstick his girlfriend has implemented on him.
Shimada sighed as he slowly lifts up his wet shirt to squeeze the water out. (Y/n) instantly turned around once his shirt was fully off. As her face flash red, she put her hands on her warm cheeks to contain herself. "Aww (y/n), have you not seen Shimada shirtless before?" Hirose's girlfriend giggled. "Come on (y/n), don't you wanna see his toned body?" Ueno taunted. "(Y/n), you're so shyyyy~." Kawai teased. "I-if I saw his shirtless body, my heart will explode and my nose will bleed uncontrollably!" (y/n) spluttered, still turned around. Shimada was just too good looking for her. Shimada, sighed yet again as he squeezed his shirt out. His body took the cool breeze from the wind. Hirose also took off his shirt to do the same thing, which attracted his girlfriend. "Ahhhhhhh! Bonus! Bonus!" she ran up and hugged Hirose. "W-woah!"
"Anyways, who was that girl?" she asked. Shimada put the wrung shirt back on. "She's a girl from our elementary school. (Y/n) is close friends with her." Shimada answered looking at (y/n) who's still blushing in the background. "How about that boy?" "He's...." Hirose hesitated a bit and looked at Shimada. "He's an old friend." he finished as he hugged his future wife. "(Y/n), you can turn around now!"Kawai said to the girl that has been flustered. The flower bun slowly turned around and the owner opened her eyes. "Phew!"
ε-('・`)フ "Let's go, home guys, it's pretty late."  Shimada suggested. "Alright then. Kawai, let's walk home with me. It's dangerous to walk home alone." Ueno said, crossing her arms. "Alright, good idea. Bye guys!" Kawai waved to them and Ueno and Kawai went off. "I will walk you home." Hirose offered as he held out a hand for his girlfriend. "Oh please do! Bye (y/n), Shimada!" "See ya guys later." Hirose and his significant other went off into another direction.

Leaving (y/n) and Shimada alone. Shimada shivered a bit in the wind. (Y/n) looked at him and looked down at his hands. She reached out and held his freezing hands. "It's getting late, you should come over to my house," Shimada suggested, squeezing her hand. "Yea I already texted my parents about it and they said I could." They started walking, hand in hand.
"You look really good when you're soaked..."
"What was that?"
"N-nothing! Hehe."
(Y/n) looked at Shimada's face and looked down at the pavement. Her heart still jumping of having the thought of staying over at Shimada's. Even though she stayed over several times. Shimada brought his eyes down to her.
"You look really gorgeous in that kimono..."
"Woah- what was that?"
Shimada copied her, giving a sly smirk.

They finally got home. Shimada's parents were out, going karaoke with some friends. Shimada took a warm shower while (y/n) change into more comfortable clothing. She wore her boyfriend's T-shirt and his dressing shirt over top of it. (Basically what Shimada wore in elementary.) She put the extra pair of PJ shorts that were at Shimada's house on. She left some of her clothing there because she stays at Shimada's house often. She wore her hair down and wiped off her light makeup. "That's better," she said to herself in the mirror. She's feeling cute in Shimada's shirt. "Is that my shirt?" a sudden voice came out behind her. (Y/n) turned around, "Ye-" she stopped mid-sentence and immediately turned around, covering her face. Shimada came out, but he was in 👏 just 👏 a 👏 towel 👏. "What's wrong?" he walked closer to her. "WhY do YoU noT haVE AnYThinG oN?!?" (y/n) sputtered out. Shimada smiled a bit. "Alright alright, I will go put something on. As Shimada changed into a shirt and sweat pants, (y/n) was crouched on the floor, hands over her face. "Alright, you can turn around now." (y/n) looked into the mirror, reflecting her fully clothed boyfriend.
They got into bed together getting ready to sleep. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Shimada and sniffed in his scent. *This is nice.* She smiled happily while closing her eyes. The room was pitch black. All of a sudden Shimada sat up and she heard a shuffling noise. "Shimada...?" He laid back down and (y/n) draped her arms over him again, but something feels..... different.
"Are...you...shirtless...?" Everything went silent for a moment. "Yea, I am. It got a little warm in here, that's all." (Y/n) immediately tried to pull back, getting flustered, but she was enveloped by his arms. *This is bad. This is bad. This is bad. THIS IS BAD!* she thought. Thank god the darkness is covering her blush. Everything was quiet and (y/n) couldn't sleep. She is too flustered until a hand caresses her hair. (Y/n) started to drift off into sleep by the caressing hand. As he heard her little snores, Shimada whispered, "Good night (y/n)...".
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)(灬ºωº灬)♡
The end
Ooh. That's a little spicy. (>ω<)
Thank you so much for reading. Bye-bye!

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