・I'm Not Jealous・

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Hey guys! This is a request made by kozumelon. As you can tell by the title, we have another jealous Oneshot! Also, I would like to mention that this book is near its ending and soon it will only be continued by requests made by the reader unless I want to pop in and make another one shot, but that's very unlikely. To a certain time, I probably will not take anymore request and this book is done for good. I have drafted the wedding info and I'm sure to get the wedding scenario around when I have Winter Break. There is about a total of 8-10 one-shots left that I am about to do that is thought up by me. This book has taken me through quarantine and I am very grateful for it, but I would like to write other books for you guys! Haikyuu is a popular anime I'm sure most of you are obsessed with. That book will be made soon so look out for that one. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this request!

(Time when you guys are high schoolers.)



Kazuki scowls in silence as he watches (y/n) talk with their popular upperclassman, Yuuto. Yuuto was the school president who many people adore. He was smart and not to mention, handsome, but it's not that (y/n) ditched Kazuki to be with Yuuto, but Yuuto himself would come up to (y/n) and Kazuki, sparking a conversation between himself and the girl.

To Kazuki, he was being overly nice and always seem like he's trying to steal (y/n)'s attention, causing Kazuki to... not get along well with him. "So, how did you do on your math test this week?" He asks her with a warm smile. "Oh, I did well, the study session we went through really helped so thanks a lot!" Yuuto laughs, "Great! If you ever need a tutor, I'm always up for the job." Kazuki frowns as they both laugh. "Oh, Kazuki, did the study session help you too?" (Y/n) looks over at him and tug his sleeve, "Yea, I guess." She gives him a confused look, "Are you okay?" "Yea, don't worry about me." He ruffles her hair making (y/n) giggle. "Ok, ok, if something is bothering you, I'm always willing to listen."

"Well, looks like I got a student meeting, I'll see you soon (y/n)-chan!" He waves her and walks off in the hallway. "Why does he like to talk to you so much?" Kazuki mumbles underneath his breath, "I don't know. Maybe he's just being friendly to all of his Kohai?" "Yea, but's it's just with you." "Oh..." (Y/n) trails off, "I thought he was like this with everybody, you know because he's so popular." (Y/n) explains. "Do you like Yuuto senpai?" Kazuki asks, taking a glimpse of her. (Y/n) thought for a moment, "Well he's a really nice and reliable guy so I'll say I like him." (Y/n) smiles. Kazuki could feel his vein pop on his forehead, but he kept a stoic face. "I mean in romantic- Ow!" Kazuki rubs his arm where (y/n) punched it. "What was that for?" (Y/n) pouts, "You already know. I only respect Yuuto as a senpai and a friend. You know very very very well who I like." She grins, "So don't get so jealous!" He looks at her with a light blush, "I'm not jealous." As soon as he said that, the bell rings throughout the school. "Ugh, English is my worst enemy." (Y/n) groans, "Let's have a study session on it." She suggests to Kazuki as they walk down the hall.

In his mind, Kazuki rages that he has to do another study session with Yuuto again, but as long (y/n) is happy and is getting good grades, he guess he just has to deal with it. Just for her.

Time Skip

As (y/n) goes back to her desk, she spots a letter with her name on it. She picks it up and observes it, flipping it over and over. She then sits down and looks over at Kazuki who is focusing on getting his things out. (Y/n) gazes down at the letter again, hesitant to open it. She sighs and gets out her things ready for English.

After the class settles down and the teacher begins the lecture, (y/n) opens the letter with as little noise as possible.


Hey (y/n)!

This is Yuuto, your favorite senpai! :P

Remember when I said that I have a student meeting, well... obviously that's a lie :D

I wanted to give this letter to you to tell you to meet me up after school. I have something on my chest and I don't think I can hold it in me much longer so I really really really need to tell you! Meet me in the library right after school okay? Also, please don't bring Kazuki-chan with you. It's a private matter and I want to have a conversation between us.

That's all I really got to say. Good luck in English and remember to meet up~!

You're favorite senpai,

Yuuto <3


She read the letter over again, even a second time to see if she isn't misinterpreting anything. (Y/n) looks over to Kazuki and then back at the paper. "I'm really that oblivious..." She thought to herself and fold the paper in half, stuffing it back into the envelope.

Time Skip

"Hey, Kazuki." She greets him first thing when school was done for the day. "I'm going to meet Yuuto in a library to have a private conversation with him. You don't have to wait for me." Kazuki looks at her with a suspicious look, "Why?" "W-Well, he gave me this letter to meet him up. Nothing special." Kazuki sighs, "Alright, I'll wait for you either way." She smiles, "Alright! See you then." She hops off towards the direction of the library while Kazuki stands there for a second. His feet then follow the same footsteps towards the library.

Kazuki peeks over the corner of the shelf as (y/n) met up with Yuuto by the farthest library window. Yuuto rubs his neck shyly while she shows him the letter. "This is wrong." Kazuki clutches onto his bag as he whispers himself back to his right consciousness of mind. He was about to take his leave until Yuuto starts speaking. "I know you like Shimada... but I really need to... get this off my chest." Kazuki leans back against the bookshelf again, "Do you like me Yuuto-senpai?" His heart twists with jealousy, even though he knows very well that it doesn't need to. "Y-Yea... I know, I know you like Shimada, but I feel if you were to reject me, I could maybe move on." She hears (y/n) giggle, "Ah, thank you for telling me. I rather have you take it off your chest." He peaks the corner to see (y/n) give Yuuto a hug. "We can still be friends if that is okay with you." "Of course! That's okay with me." They both laugh for a bit, "Well, Shimada is waiting for me, so I guess I will see you tomorrow?" "Yea! See ya!" 

Kazuki was about to take his leave too, but something came out of Yuuto's mouth he wished he never heard. "Hey! If you and Shimada don't work out, I'll be available!" A vein pops on his head as his envious aura surrounds him. "Ahaha... We'll see. Bye!" Kazuki quickly rushes out of the library and stands out the door. "Bastard." He mutters. The library opens, "Oh, Kazuki. You waited here?" Kazuki nods his head, "Let's go." He grabs her hand, quickly dragging her out of the school, "Woah, Woah, Woah Shimada what's wrong?" Kazuki lets go and walks slower, "Nothing, just wanted to get out of there." (Y/n) eyes him, "Did you eavesdrop on us?" She smiles cheekily. He kept quiet, but his face says it all. "Hm, I guess you heard the ending part did you?" Kazuki scoffs, "I guess I kind of heard it outside the library..." She giggles, "Does that mean you're jelly?" She elbows him in the side, "No, what does that even mean?" "Jealous! Are you jealous?"

Kazuki said nothing as a blush crept onto his face, "I'm not jealous."

The End

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