Chapter 1

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(This is Makada Dywer ^^^)

"No, NO!! Please, take me instead!! PLEASE I want to die instead!! Please, please, please. I'll do anything!!"

"Anything?" He said in a cold voice.

"Please, just let my brother go." His dark laugh echoes around me, and I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling the tears stream down my cheek and onto the filthy floor I used to call my home. He crouches down to my level, and puts his finger under my chin making me look up at him.

"This time little girl. But I'll come back for you. Ohh, I'll come back for you. And when I find you, your brother is as good as dead and you are as good as mine."

I shoot up from my bed and look around me. "Just a dream," I mutter. I have been having nightmares since that night 13 years ago.

"Makada? Are you alright? I heard yelling."

I slowly get out of the bed towards the door where my older brother was.

Sebastian, my older brother, was 7 that night, but they had knocked him out so he barely remembered anything. He's now 20, and he looks after me and our Grammy, making sure we stay out of sight.

"Another nightmare?" he mumbles, pulling me in a tight hug.

"Yeah, I can't get it out of my head,"

I hear him growl lowly as he pulls me closer to him.

"I swear if he comes near you again, I'll kill him."

"I can take care of myself"

I pull away from him and walk to my bathroom. It was still early, 5 am, but I knew I wouldn't get any more sleep.

"Makada, please, let me protect you. I know you're strong, but me helping would only make you stronger."

"I said I'm fine, Seb. I can take care of myself," I snap. I turn to face him only to see him looking at the floor.

I sigh.

"I need to take a shower"

He nods and starts walking towards the door.

"Kada, I'm sorry I couldn't protect you then. Like it or not I will make it up to you."

I watch him close my bedroom door as he walks out, then I turn towards my bathroom and take a shower.


"Here you are Grammy, I made your toast and put on some cinnamon."

"Oh sweetheart, you're too good to me!"

I bend down and kiss the old woman's cheek before turning back to the kitchen and making my own breakfast.

"Mornin' Kada"

Seb walks into the kitchen and gives me a kiss on the top of my head before turning to Grammy and doing the same.

"I-I'm gonna go get a job today" I mumble under my breath. I wonder if Seb was even able to hear me, but I soon find out he can when I hear him growling.

Stupid werewolf hearing.


I hear growling again, but then realize it's my own.

~Hazel, calm down.~

I feel my wolf, Hazel, start to calm down and give me back control

~He can't control us forever.~

I know she's right, Seb has been way overprotective for my whole life, so much so I feel like I'm barely living it. I look up to see him glaring at me, and I shift my weight, uncomfortable in his burning gaze.

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