Chapter 19

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"Darling, here you are. Eat up." A kind woman with sun kissed skin and olive eyes holds a little girl in her lap, feeding her dinner to the little girl instead of herself. The wrinkles around her eyes are a clear sign she smiles often, however the usual sparkle in her eyes are gone.

Heavy footsteps are heard in the corridor outside the cell, and the woman both mentally and physically prepares herself for what is about to happen.

"You, mutt. Your little girl, now."

"NO." the woman screams. "NO, PLEASE! SHE'S JUST A CHILD!" The woman is thrown across the cell by the guards, and the girl is torn from her arms as she pleads and screams to get her back. The man stalks towards the woman and wraps his hand around her neck, lifting her up the wall.

"Soon, you will be dead, just like your worthless mate. He barely fought in the chair, so easy to kill." he spits in her face and drops her sobbing form to the ground.

"Please, please not my baby, please. Let my children go, p-please."

The man laughs coldly in her face.

"I'll make your children watch as I rip your throat out. Then, they'll watch each other die, all the way down to the little girl. So precious."

"NO, no no, please god no."

He slaps her and she falls to the ground.

"Maybe it would be better if I kept the girl around, it would be so nice to have my very own whore around."

He laughs darkly again, and drags the little girl out.

"Mommy! Let go of me, you hurt mommy! MOMMY! Let me go! You're a bad man LET ME GO!

He looks down on the little girl, his red eyes glowing. He grabs her by the shoulders.

"Makada wake up." He says darkly, shaking the tiny girl back and forth, making her sob harder.

"MAKADA! Wake up!"


My eyes shoot open, Roman's figure looming above mine, worry and confusion etched all over his face.

I start sobbing as I remember my mother, everything that happened in the dream seemed so real. It was real.

"Shh, shh, it's alright. I'm here, you're safe, it was just a dream."

He pulls my head into his chest and rocks me back and forth. I wrap my arms around his neck and hold on tightly, allowing myself to become calm surrounded by his scent. He rubs my back and brushes his fingers through my hair until my cries are turned into sniffles.

"You're okay, you're okay." he whispers.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you." I mumble quietly.

He pulls away and cups my face forcing me to look at him.

"Don't ever apologize for that."

I nod and he hugs me tighter and closer to his body.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he whispers.

I shake my head. "No."

He nods and rocks me back and forth again, my head resting under his chin and on his chest, and laying halfway on his lap while he sits in the darkness of my bedroom.

"I'm here Bambi, I'll always be here." is the last thing I hear before I drift into a dreamless sleep.


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