Chapter 11

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(This is Aella, one of the Warrior Generals)

I toss and turn in the bed, not able to get comfortable.

"Fuck this." I mumble getting out and stumbling to the door.

I tiptoe down the stairs, trying to make as little noise as possible while trying to get to the kitchen.

~What'cha doing?~

Hazel says tiredly.

~Getting a midnight snack-i can't sleep~ I grumble.

I turn the corner towards the kitchen, and jump a little when I see the light on. I hesitantly walk in, half-expecting Paola, or Caroline, or even Roman. But I didn't really expect Nolan.

His deep chuckle echoes in the room with his back faced towards me.

"Makada, I can smell you there."

Shit. stupid werewolf smell.

I walk towards the cupboards and get a glass before filling it up.

"What are you doing up so late?"

"I could ask the same about you," He turns so he's facing me. I notice the dark bags under his eyes.

I shrugged it off.

"It's pretty obvious." I snicker playfully, nodding at the glass in hand.

He laughs a bit too, but it doesn't reach his eyes. He turns so he's leaning against the kitchen counter, and I go sit on one of the barstools that are on the opposite side of the counter.

"Nolan, what's wrong?" I say softly.

He sighs and wipes his face with his hands.

"I met my mate, four days ago."

I gasp.

"And?" I say quietly.

"And..." He takes a deep breath. "And today, when she found that-that I wasn't an alpha, she-she-"

He starts shaking.

"Shh, it's alright, take your time." I grasp his hand and squeeze it in reassurance. He takes a few deep breaths.

"She re-rejected me." He says so softly, a human wouldn't have been able to hear. I cover my mouth with my hand to stifle my gasp.
I walk over to him and embrace him tightly. He's stiff for a moment, but I eventually feel him crumple and break down on my shoulder. The rejection of a mate is so painful not only mentally but physically as well. I could tell Nolan hadn't been doing so well. After all, Nolan was the stiff, never-cracked-a-smile type of guy. And here he was, breaking down on my shoulder.

~Whoever did this to him is a real bitch~

Hazel says.

I nod and hold on to him. Even though I hadn't known Nolan for too long, I had already begun to feel protective over him, more so than Dimitri.

I don't shush him or tell him to quieten down, because he needed this. He needed to let these emotions out now so they didn't hang over him forever.

Eventually he pulls away and wipes his hand over his face again.

"I'm sorry Luna, you must think me very weak." He says looking down.

I roll my eyes and huff.

"Number 1, don't ever call me Luna, my name is Makada. Number 2, I don't think you're weak. I think you're one of the strongest people I know to be able to cope with this. We all know the side effects of re-of this, and no one can avoid it."

He nods and sniffles again.

"I know you'll get through this, you deserve so much better than her." I say, rubbing his shoulder.

"Thank you Lun-Makada." I chuckle and say goodnight before tiptoeing back up the stairs and into my room.

I gently close the door and hop under the covers of my cozy bed.

~Goodnight Hazel~

~*yawn* goodnight Makada.~

My eyes flutter close and I start sinking into a peaceful sleep until...

Where are you?

I snap my eyes open.


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