Chapter 44

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 Roman's POV

"Alpha Roman,"

I look up to see Alpha Donovan. I nod at him briefly before looking back at my sleeping angel.

"Roman, I'm sending my warriors back in the care of my beta, and I've decided to stay here until the Luna is well." I look up at him and nod again, and he understands that as my appreciation.

He claps me on the back and sits beside me.

"She's a very strong woman, Roman. She'll be alright."

"I hope so..."

"Do they know what happened yet?"

"The tests are coming back today, we'll know before noon." I say as I rub my tired eyes. It was about 10:30, the day after the battle.

Donovan nods. He's been very helpful, managing my pack beside Nolan, I can see that he feels pity for me and my mate as a fellow Alpha which is uncommon, especially for someone of his nature. But I still appreciate it immensely.

"Alpha Roman, Alpha Donovan." two doctors come into the room. Doctor Clement and Doctor Cole.

"Sir we have gotten the blood tests back and I'm afraid the situation is looking worse than we thought." Doctor Clement opens a manilla folder and hands it to me, a look of pity on her face.

I stand up quickly and take it from her, scanning the documents until my eyes find what I was looking for and I fall into my seat, looking back at my beautiful mate.

"Alpha, the wolfsbane had been in her system for a long time, probably before the battle began and so it had a lot of time to infect her. I'm afraid that we were too late to save the baby."

My eyes snap to her.


"Yes alpha, the Luna was 2 weeks pregnant. The wolfsbane, well...."

I nod numbly and look back at my angel. My bella. (beautiful)

"When will she wake up?"

"Sir, because the wolfsbane was in her system so long her wolf has shut down her body in order to fight it off. However it is uncommon for the wolf to take full control when the person is unconscious and so, it's difficult to say if the Luna will, ever, wake up." the doctor says softly.

"Leave us please doctors." Donovan says.

The room goes quiet as my hands grip onto Makada's. I feel the unshed tears in my eyes as I beg her through our empty and hollow link.

Please, please don't leave me. I'm nothing without you. Worthless and pointless. You give my life happiness and hope - please baby. Stay.


Makada's POV (1st day of being in a coma)

I can't feel anything, I can't hear anything - I feel like I'm underwater, but blind. I can hear one thing, a heart pumping, my heart pumping. Steady beats going in and out, but then they get faster and more urgent, as if something is wrong. All of a sudden I feel like I'm being pulled in by a vacuum, and then I hear panicked voices all around me, the pleading of a deep voice that seems way too familiar. Who is that?

And then just like before the vacuum pulls me away again and the voices drift away until I'm swimming in the black nothingness once more.


Roman's POV (three weeks later)

I jolt awake from my dreamless sleep. My angel's face is paled and It feels as though along with her consciousness the sunshine has disappeared from her face.

Little Red and the Big, Bad, Wolf.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora