Chapter 14

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It's been about a week since I calmed Roman down in the cells. So far, I haven't been able to ask any questions about our conversation or see Roman much at all for that matter. He's been really busy recently with several rogue attacks and international meetings, I haven't seen him barely at all except at night, which doesn't last very long because of how exhausted we both are.

I train regularly with Dimitri, Aella, Cason and the rest of the warriors, but Caroline's wolf is still too weak to join us so instead she organizes the training sessions, and helps the warriors with their form and fighting techniques. She's like a mini Dimitri!

"Aella! I call dibs on Aella!" Cason yells and we all chuckle as she rolls her eyes, but goes in the sparring circle all the same. I learned that all the mini fighting arenas are actually called sparring circles, and it's where wolves practice their hand to hand fighting. Everything is allowed except killing, so it can get really serious sometimes.

"I guess that leaves you with me, Dimitri," I say, walking over to an empty sparring circle.

"I wish Kada, but I have to do some paperwork for Roman. We don't have a Delta right now so I kind of take care of that." I nod and wish him luck. I didn't actually know what a Delta was because of my lack of a pack, but I just nodded and watched him leave all the same.

~A delta is someone who deals with international agreements and treaties with neighboring packs. Kind of like a peacemaker.~

~Hazel, what would I do without you?~

~Be extremely uncool and stupid~

~Rhetorical question, but, whatever.~

"Caroline, how are you?" I ask, walking over to her.

"Swamped with work, and exhausted...but I love it!" She says happily. I smile at her.

"Kada, I actually have some news..." She smiles sheepishly and I look expectantly at her.

"I'm in suspense..." I joke and she laughs.

"Roman is letting me go to Paris to discuss some of our Warrior formations with an ally!"

I gasp and hug her tightly.

"That's amazing, I'm so happy for you!" I smile at her. When are you leaving?"

"In 8 hours, I have to stay for at least a week."

"Wow, that's a long trip for the first time."

She sighs and scratches the back of her neck.

"I know, I'm a little nervous. I mean, I'm the face of our Warriors, along with Dimitri. I'm glad he's coming with me."

"Oh, Dimitri's going? That's good... maybe one of you will find your mate." I wiggle my eyebrows.

She chuckles lightly.

"Wouldn't that be amazing,"

I snap my fingers in front of her face and she snaps her head and looks at me.

"Earth to Caroline? You spaced out there." I laugh.

A light pink comes over her cheeks.

"Sorry I was just thinking-"

"About your mate." I finish for her, and she nods.

"Whoever he is, he'll be lucky to have you. And if he is anything less than perfect, I'll beat his ass."

She smiles and hugs me tightly.

"Thanks Kada"

"I love you girly."

"I love you too, see you next week." I watch her walk out of the training facility and sigh. Without Caroline here, I'm gonna get about 10 times more lonely on top of my already 110 percentage of loneliness.


"I swear to god, if Nolan just called me Luna after I've told him a million times to call me Makada, I'm gonna lose it."

I hear his laugh behind me and I turn to see him in workout clothes, his arms crossed and an amused expression on his face.

"You know, you're not like any Luna I've ever met."

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." I joke. "How are you?"

He sighs and looks away from me.

"I've been better." He smiles, but it doesn't reach his eyes.

"Hey, this takes time. Don't force yourself to act better, let it come naturally."

He nods.

"I know, I'm ready to move on."

I smile.

"Would you do me the honors?" he nods towards the sparring circle.

"Of course," I bow slightly, earning a chuckle from him and myself.

We both walk in and my 'personal instructor' starts teaching me how to fight.

"Alright, so when your opponent takes a right step forward they're most likely going to punch with their left fist-"

And that's how the rest of the day went.

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