Chapter 10

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(This is how I envisioned Beta Nolan)

"Are you a clean or messy person?"

I laugh a little.

"My brother always said I was messy, but I think I'm generally clean. I mean, out of the two of us, he's definitely more of a slob." I chuckle as we continue walking through the forest.

Roman and I had been at the secret pool for a large part of the afternoon, and the sun is now setting down behind the trees.

"Caroline told me a bit about your past." He stiffens. "She told me how your parents abandoned you-"

He growls.

"Something like that."

I'm about to ask him what he means, when a loud horn sounds not too far from us. I look up confused at Roman.

"The warriors just finished training."

I nod a bit and start walking a little faster towards the sound, wanting to see the warriors.

"Makada, the pack house is this way." Roman says behind me.

"I know I uh, I wanted to see Caroline. Didn't you say she helped organize the warriors?"

He looks at me suspiciously.

"Alright, she'll be on the east side of the field you'll see just over that ridge, with Dimitri. If you can't find her, just come back this way and you'll see the packhouse. I'll come and get you if you aren't back in 20 minutes." He says sternly.

I nod happily, and he sighs.

"Don't do anything stupid," He says before walking off.

Me? Stupid? Never.

I start jogging happily towards where I heard the horn, quickly coming over a ridge and to a large field.

It's so large, it seems it could fit 800 people, at least. But many people are already walking away towards the packhouse, and I quickly follow the directions Roman gave me to Caroline. She'll probably show me around!

After a few minutes of walking across the enormous field, I see her, Dimitri, and two others talking.

"Caroline! Dimitri!" I yell, and they both look up at me, Caroline waving me over.

"Makada, it's good to see you!" She says while hugging me. I nod lightly and look at Dimitri, expecting the same greeting. But he just bows his head slightly and says, "Luna".

"Makada, this is Aella and Cason, our Warrior generals." She says, nodding to the boy and the girl standing with us.

"Luna," They both say in unison while bowing.

"Please, call me Makada, I think using the term Luna, especially with friends or people my age, is completely unnecessary." I say sternly, glancing at Dimitri whilst saying, watching a sad smile creep up on his face.

The two generals snicker behind, noticing my intention.

"Nice to meet you, Makada. I'm Cason." The man says, a lot more cheery and less stiff, and happy twinkle in his eye.

"It's great to finally meet you. Dimitri told us what happened yesterday at the training house." The woman Aella says. Her short, neon green hair shines in the sunset light, making her perfect skin glow. And although a few inches shorter then Cason, she easily looks like she could beat me up, her biceps flexing when she puts her hands on her hips.

Both her and Cason are strongly built, with stern faces although very kind when you get to know them. I smile at them as they tell me about themselves and how they both got to be generals; by challenging and defeating the past generals. Apparently that's how you got any title in this pack.

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