Chapter 5

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(Guys, things are about to get GOOD)

4 days later

"Makada, sweetheart, you must eat something." I shake my head.

"No." I say hoarsely. She tosses me a bottle of water and I gulp it down.

She sighs and feeds my food to Angel, cooing him with compliments every time he eats the grossness.

"We'll need our strength today big boy." She says softly. I look at her confused.

She catches my stare and sighs.

"We're being transferred today-"


"Hush!" She scolds. "The guard came yesterday telling me they're running low on staff and so, i agreed to take the job." Lyla says softly.

"I don't understand, you're just, leaving?" my eyes prick with tears. Lyla had been my one friend when I felt scared and alone. Now I'll have no one.

"Oh, Makada. I'm sure they will come to fetch you soon too. But please understand, I know they were my enemy, but it's for Angel" She says sadly. I nod.

"Of course I understand, but I'll miss you."

We talk for the rest of the morning until a guard comes to the cell to escort them.

"Thank you Makada, you have been a great friend." Lyla says putting Angel on her hip.

"Soup!" Angel yelps happily. I chuckle at him and wave. He waves back as they walk down the corridor and slowly disappear from my sight.

"Well Hazel, just you and me."

~Sorry Makada, I must sleep. I'm weak.~

She blocks me out and once again, I'm alone.


2 days Later

"I heard you don't eat." A voice says and I jolt awake.

The gamma is leaning against my cell door, arms crossed.

"What's it matter to you?" I mumble, resting my head on my knees.

He chuckles.

"It doesn't. I just came by to tell you the Alpha is back. I told him about you and he should be here soon."

"Oh yay and when he decides to kill me it'll be just like Christmas!" Sarcasm drips from my voice as I glare at the Gamma before standing up and stretching. Something about a rock solid floor that just isn't my favorite place to sleep.

"Look, Makada-"


A voice yells through the cells.

I look to the Gamma, but he looks away from me, and straightens up.

"Sir, the Gamma, he said he could sense something with her-"

"Unless it's the fucking Moon Goddess, I swear to Fucking God, you both are dead,"

The voice gets closer, and I suddenly smell something amazing. Vanilla? And like, bonfire? With maybe a little bit of ocean breeze.

"Dimitri?" The voice says again, but I hardly notice. This smell is intoxicating and it's getting closer and closer.

"Roman, calm the hell down dude,"

The Gamma says. I think his name is Dimitri?

The smell gets so strong, I start to feel dizzy.

Suddenly, the source of the voice comes into my view, and stares right at me. His bright green eyes swirl with a black and red and gold, all at once.

Little Red and the Big, Bad, Wolf.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora