6 : Final Selection (3)

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She slid across the ground with the thundering noise of her jet speed following closely. It scared the demon, but he didn't let it show. It was impossible to show, or even run away at this point. This was his new enemy, and he had to end it quickly or he would die for sure. She was strong, and something was off about her.

"Lay a hand on Sabito or Giyu... and you'll pay with your life." She growled with little remorse. She had the presence of a demon herself. A strong one. How? Why? Why was someone so young... so strong? No one understood. No one but that demon she had killed on the first night.

"(Y/N)! You're injured!" Sabito shouted, taking hold of unconscious Giyu.

"A boy stabbed me the first night, don't worry. That beast did more damage on me than a puny sword." She informed with a rather different tone than she used for while speaking to the demon. It sounded blank to those who didn't know her, but Giyu, Sabito, and Mitsuko could hear the determination and guilt in her voice. It was hidden well, but there.

Another disturbingly disgusting chuckled was let out by the hand demon, "another masked fox? Oh? Your mask is different than the others, why is that? Is it because you're only half as strong as the previous children I've slaughtered and eaten?" He teased hoping to rile her up.

She chuckled a dark and treacherous laugh, it was full of anger and reached for miles underneath. "You want to know why my mask is only half of one? It's because I'm so young and yet also so strong." She paused and smiled widely, "You want to know why I was sent here along my comrades?" Her voice alarmed many. It was sadistic and cruel, one not expected from such a young and beautiful girl. "It's because my emotions no longer work the same as others. If you're trying to provoke me, it's not going to work. However, thank you! Thank you for telling me you've killed the precious children of my teacher. For that sin... it is punishable by death, granted by me! How fun!" The look in her eyes was crazed, and her tone was even more so. It startled even her friends and those she had saved. They only saw the kind and optimistic girl, not the sadistic and cruel one. They didn't even know there was a part of her that could be so ruthless.

She disappeared altogether, sending quick and unnoticeable attacks towards the demon. She slid to a stop next to Giyu and Sabito. "As soon as that sun comes up, we'll be good. Go ahead and make your way back down the mountain, I'll meet you there." She pushed Sabito who had Giyu on his back towards the way down. She knew he wouldn't want to leave her, "Do it for Giyu... and Mr. Urokodaki." A kind smile enveloped on her features, but one of the many hands the demon had threw her into a tree. Sabito nodded and started running towards the bottom, near the wisteria trees. Many of the others followed him and left the girl to fight on her own. Mitsuko had stayed, despite the tingling feeling something bad would happen if she did. (Y/N) groaned as she dodged the hand coming for her. "Get out of here, Mitsuko!" She cried in a desperate attempt to save her, but it was too late.

Mitsuko had to save herself, or she would die. Both girls knew that, and neither was willing to give up on the other. Mitsuko was intrigued by the young girl, and likewise for (Y/N). They were two peas in the same pot. Two people in the same position, practically the same, but they weren't the same.

Mitsuko braced herself and threw her sword in front of her with a determined look. It was enough to make the demon second guess himself. Was she as strong as the other? Were they as strong as one another? It was enough time for (Y/N) to get in close and save Mitsuko.

"You may not know... but someone who wields both the breath of fire and water... have become pillars with no exceptions." She growled with blood seeping through both her shoulder and her reopened stab wound. (Y/N) pulls the demons hand put of her skin with frightening expression. "I happen to be one of those people, and I happen to be stronger than you, or anyone you've met other than Mr. Urokodaki." Her feet carried her closer to the demon without her face even lifting from the ground. "Mitsuko, head down the mountain, please. Tell Sabito and Giyu I'll see them when it's over. Unless Giyu isn't awake. If he isn't don't wake him." Her voice was soft, it reminded the demon of someone he used to know, but who did he use to know...?

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