52 : Epilogue

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10 Years Later...

You laid in bed, the sun hitting your skin as your groaned and pulled the covers over your head. It was hard convincing yourself to get out of bed... but suddenly a pillow connected with your blanket covered body harshly.

"Hey! What was that for??" You shouted, throwing the blankets off of you. Your expression relented when Kyojuro gave a wide grin, pulling the pillow over his shoulder like Santa holding his bag of gifts.

"Come on, we have to get ready. The kids are waiting." He smirked and pulled you to your feet, you placing a quick peck on his lips before giving a saddened expression.

"...but I was really enjoying the bed..."

Kyojuro howled in laughter, him leaving the room, his laugh echoing in the hallways.

With a slump of your back and a sigh you searched for something to wear in your closet. You found a formal looking kimono and put it on just as the door slammed open to reveal 4 heads running towards you. Happily, they tackled you with large smiles on their faces, Kyojuro being one of them.

"Hey, Snowball." Kyojuro smirked as you laid on the ground with your entire family dog piled on top of you. "Ready yet? Little Yuro wants to see Senjuro." He cooed, hoping to convince you further.

With a heavy sigh, the three kids began cheering and jumping all over the place, Yuro being the most enthusiastic.

He looked much like Kyojuro. The family traditional looks still uncompromised. His hair was neatly combed back into a long pony tail (does anyone call it something else, I feel weird writing 'pony tail' 🤣🤣). He had chubby cheeks and eyes just like little suns. His forked eyebrows were exactly like Kyojuro's, a real mess. He also happened to be the middle man, a whole wapping 8 years old. Attitude and personality wise, the kid was much like Kyojuro. His smile never falling. He took care of his siblings, almost making you shed tears at how beautiful your kids were in their heart.

The youngest of your children was Yukio, although you and Kyojuro called her Yuki. She had your features, but a personality much like Senjuro's. Unless she was happy and with people she trusted, and then she was just as enthusiastic as her older brother, but still by far the shyest of your 3 kids. You preferred to keep her hair long, as did Kyojuro, but she liked to have short hair so it wouldn't get in her face and so she could be like her older brother Yuro, so... it was almost always short.

The last one was named Kenjuro, the oldest. Being 9, only a year older than Yuro, he felt a strong urge for protecting his little sister and brother. It reminded you of Tanjiro protecting Nezuko like he had... His hair was long and well kept, even longer than Kyojuro's despite his younger age. His tall and perfect posture demonstrated just how disciplined he preferred to be, and was by far the most mature... but that was a given since he was the oldest. However, he was still a kid and enjoyed having his moments of fun. He loved running and playing tag with his siblings.

You were happy with your family. Kyojuro was happy. He adored you and the little ones, took care of you all.

"Well, we can't keep everyone waiting. Nezuko won't be happy if I'm late." You chuckled and got up with Kyojuro's help. Yukio grabbed your hand, then his, and pulled the two of you out of your home, Yuro holding Kyojuro's hand while Kenjuro walked beside you. The five of you were happy, and your former comrades loved spending time with the three who enjoyed hearing the stories of your battles against the demons.

It wasn't long before you and Kyojuro broke apart, him taking the children to see Senjuro and Shinjuro like they wanted while you went to see nezuko who was bound to be nervous.

It was her wedding day after all.

When Kyojuro was done with dropping the kids off, you were sure he'd go to where Tanjiro and Zenitsu were to help calm the boy down.

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