27 : Happiness and Joy!!

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Kyojuro led you through the village of the blacksmiths, guiding you around the people and rocks since your eyes were covered by blindfolds. He had told you he wanted to surprise you with something, but you didn't have any clue as to what that was. Apparently, Tanjiro had come here also, to get his blacksmith to make him another sword. You thought both boys were being quite difficult, but shrugged it off knowing it wasn't your business.

You could hear the gentle claps of water get louder as you assumed you were approaching the village natural hot springs. You stumbled on a root, but Kyojuro caught you happily and placed you upright once again. "Do I really have to wear this, Kyojuro? We're away from the village, I really don't want to fall and get put in the estate again... Shinobu-san and Aoi-san are scary when I get injured..." you whined half heartedly.

You heard his chuckle, then felt his soft lips on your hand, "Do you think I would let you get injured? I'm protecting you and making sure your don't fall and get hurt, is that not enough?" He kissed your hand once again making your cheeks go red.

"F-fine, just hurry up. I want to see the sunset..." you pouted.

He began leading you through the woods once again and stepped in front of you and protectively, using his sword to deflect the sword of a old looking doll that had six arms and six weapons.

"It's not your turn to fight it, back off, Rengoku-san." Muichiro said coldly taking the attention of the doll once more as it chased him.

"Eh?! What was that? Was that Muichiro?!" You anxiously questioned at the sudden burst of wind. Kyojuro only chuckled and out his sword back in it's sheath.

"Don't worry, it was nothing dangerous." He gave your head a pat and began walking again. You blushed lightly at the thought of him protecting you from everything. He was both your sword and shield. How fitting for someone with such beautiful eyes that could burn a hole right through you, should you let him. Suddenly, you felt warmth under your feet and shrieked. You fell off balance from the sudden sensation only to be caught by Kyojuro's gentle hands. "It's only water, Snowball. Calm down." He laughed and steadied you once again.

"Well I'm sorry! I'm the one who can't see." You pouted but inched closer to him. "Are we almost there? I don't know how much longer I can take this blindfold. It's rubbing my skin, and starting to hurt...!" You whined hoping he would say you're almost there, but you only got a chuckle and a pull as a response. He was walking faster now, almost running, with you hot on his heels so you don't fall. You giggled as each leaf hit your face softly, tickling it, making Kyojuro laugh uncontrollably mid run. You felt rocks crumble under your feet as the grass turned to dirt that turned to dry sand and rock. You could tell you were headed uphill, but didn't bother asking why.

As if on queue, Kyojuro swept you off your feet with a sudden gasp. "Be careful, you could fall." He scolded you, and set you back down carefully. "Follow closely, it gets thin up ahead. But don't worry, I'll catch you if you go to fall." You nodded and gripped his flamed haori tightly as the two of you walked slowly. You felt the ground with your foot before stepping, which Kyojuro noticed and slowed down so you didn't feel rushed for your own safety. Your foot slipped, but as promised, Kyojuro grabbed you with a grunt, "Gotcha." He pulled you close to his side. "Do you want me to carry you from here on out?"

You wouldn't have to if you would just tell me where we're going so I could walk myself." You turned your head, but he kissed the top of it pulling you into his arms. You felt each careful step he took until you finally felt even ground. Slowly, he set you down and untied the blind fold that hindered your vision. As soon as your eyes had adjusted to the brightness of the sun, you widened at the sight laid before you. "K-Kyojuro... what is this place?" You asked, completely dumbfounded and at a loss for words.

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