Side Story : My Idol Criminal (2)

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He led you towards a different part of town through the alleyways so fans wouldn't surround him and hinder him. You, on the other hand, were to shocked to really think on your own and followed quietly.

"Oh, my! It's been quite some time since you brought a new beaut- oh. How flamboyant..." A new voice called as he began shuffling around looking for something. "What's wrong?"

"Jaw injury and possibly shock." The Idol spoke calmly, seemingly unphased.

"Hm, 'kay. You can wait outside, Kyojuro." Rengoku nodded and turned around giving an encouraging smile, squeezing your shoulder quickly before leaving the room. "Alrighty, then. Can I have your name?"

"Uh... (Y/N)... where are we? Was that really him? Who are you? Why-"

"Calm down, lay on the table for me please, (Y/N)." He laid his hand on your shoulder sending a signal of relief through your body. "I'm Tengen Uzui, a friend of Rengoku Kyojuro. You could say his personal doctor."

"Why would he need a doctor? Does he get injured a lot?" You cut him off, breathing abnormally while trying to piece everything together.

Tengen just chuckled, "You have no clue how many times he comes here every week. Usually flamboyantly covered in blood!"

You winced at the words, but was cut off by loud and sudden footsteps. Kyojuro ran inside, throwing the door closed and locking it, "Get her somewhere else, she's not safe here!" He shouted and pulled out a gun causing you to yelp in surprise. Kyojuro frowned and took long strides towards you, planting a soft kiss on top of your forehead. "Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you, (Y/N)."

With wide eyes, Tengen grabbed your wrist while pulling you away from the Idol. "How did you know my na-"

Before you could finish your sentence, a distant memory flooded your mind.

"I won't ever let them hurt you, (Y/N)! You'll be by my side forever, right?" The voice sounded happy, but also somewhat self conscious about your answer. "It doesn't matter who tries to take you from me, I won't let them!" An image popped into your head, one of Kyojuro holding your hands with tears in his eyes. "You deserve a different and better life than this, (Y/N). Why do you continue to stay? I'm not understanding, don't you care for yourself at all?"

Why did you forget all of this? He was so important to you for so long, how could you just forget. Reality slammed hard into you as tears formed in your eyes, watching bullet holes fill the locked door, Kyojuro getting ready to attack.

You fought against Tengen's hold, not wanting to go. "(Y/N), get out of here! It's dangerous and you're better than a silly criminal like me!" Kyojuro shouted at you with an angry expression.

"But I don't want to leave you! Let me stay! Kyojuro! I never left because I never wanted anything other than you! Why can't you see and accept that?" Tears watered your cheeks as Tengen looked to Kyojuro for an answer. "I can fight too-..." you broke down, that being the last straw for the number 1 idol.

His smile widened, but stayed sweet. "Then come back to me, little angel." His arms were open, allowing you to leave Tengen's grasp and enter his. "You're too cute sometimes, now take this and get ready." He placed a gun to your chest, looking towards the door as things got quiet. Tengen pulled out a handgun, standing behind a shelf, waiting for the attackers. As soon as the door opened, chaos erupted as bullets flew and hit the walls and enemies. Your aim was perfect, mainly because of muscle memory, but it surprised Kyojuro slightly. You ducked behind the wall again, refilling your magazine and looking up to Kyojuro who doing the same. He flinched towards you as a bullet took some of the wall beside him.

Caught By Flames (Kyojuro Rengoku x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat